Infinite Painter 7.1 iOS Reference Manual


Smart cloning options Control the style of your AI co-painter.

Main toolbar

Clone options for Smart mode

Stroke length Defines how long a smart stroke has to reach before it respawns. 0 is dabbing.

Mix-in Defines how fast the samples the underlying paint colors. Zero value will create a solid paint stroke, while 100 will change the color of the head at each pass.

Smart rotation Defines how much the stroke rotates along the contours of the source image.

Edge contrast Generates more or less contrast when approaching an edge on the source image. This can help bring out the subject material on a source layer. Complete strokes toggle If on, it will track ahead and only draw the stroke if it is within a certain length and has ended. This setting creates more painterly results.

Different combinations of parameters may produce completely different results even with using exactly same brush (here Solid Pen, 7 px size)

Stroke length: 0 Mix-in: 0 Smart rotation: 0 Edge contrast: -100

Stroke length: 100 Mix-in: 100 Smart rotation: 100 Edge contrast: 100

Stroke length: 50 Mix-in: 0 Smart rotation: 0 Edge contrast: -100


Infinite Painter’s Manual

ref: manual_creative_clone_smart_options

Creative Tools • Cloning • Page 228

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