Infinite Painter 7.1 iOS Reference Manual


Setting up the perspective grid Zoom your painting camera with the VPs.

Placing of the vanishing points determines the "focal length" of the resulting perspective The farther away the VPs are from the canvas, the longer the “focal length” is.

Vanishing points close to the canvas – “wide angle” or “fish-eye” perspective. Usually yields too-exaggerated perspective.

Vanishing points farther from the canvas –“normal lens” perspective. Suitable for architectural scale.

Vanishing points very far from the canvas – "telephoto" perspective. Better for depicting smaller objects.

The examples shown are in the 3 Point perspective, but these rules apply to 2 Point and Curvilinear perspectives too.

In most cases it is good to keep the horizon line horizontal and the bottom vanishing point vertically below the middle point of the canvas However the rules are here to be broken of course.

Note that in Infinite Painter there are no numerical settings for the grid setups: it is not a CAD application anyway.

Infinite Painter’s Manual

ref: manual_creative_shapes_in_perspective_setup

Creative Tools • Perspective grids • Page 285

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