Pixabay image search Your gateway to free stock images.
Search from 1.7+ million of free, high quality stock images from Pixabay.com™
Import source selector (more on page 426)
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Tap a selected image to import it to your project as a layer or as a reference (learn more about using photo references on page 45 Note that the images are imported in limited resolution due to Pixabay terms of service. You can download the full-resolution versions of selected images directly from Pixabay website.
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Tap the logo to open pixabay.com website
Note that even if the images offered on Pixabay ™ are royalty-free for commercial use, there are legal terms that may restrict your rights for use in certain applications. Refer to the Pixabay™ terms of service on https://pixabay.com/service/terms/
Infinite Painter’s Manual
ref: manual_options_import_pixabay
Options menu • Importing images • Page 429
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