Infinite Painter 7.1 iOS Reference Manual


Application settings 1/3 Your control center.

Control every aspect of Infinite Painter's behavior from the Settings panel

Infinite Painter's version number

Interface section

Split Tools menu If on, there are two separate menus:

Interface theme Choose dark or light. See page 33

Creative Tools

and Editing Tools


If off, the Tools menu has one icon

(but two tabs).

Recent Colors strip Show or hide the color history picker next to the main toolbar (See p. 142)

Workflow section

Rotate canvas Allows you to rotate canvas with two fingers. Turn off to keep it aligned with the screen.

Rendering section

Show layer changes If on, the layer blinks slightly when selected (activated).

Save changes prompt Turn on if you prefer to be asked whether to save changes on exit. If off, Infinite Painter saves changes automatically on exit. Learn more on page 423. Color mode Set the color profile for the on-screen color proofing. This option affects only the working preview, not the actual colors of your artwork. Learn more on page 113 Gamma correction Turn on to improve mixing non-opaque colors. Learn more on page 114

Saving section

History Set the number of project version history states to be stored in your project. Unlimited setting stores all the history states of all projects. This is the safest setting, but may increase the size of your projects significantly. Control your storage regularly. Select a lower number (1 – 10) to save storage space or turn the option off if you don't want to record your project's history at all. Warning: if you set this slider to lower values and then open an old project which had more history states than the set number, on the next save of this project part of its version history may be erased. Learn about project history on page 25

Infinite Painter’s Manual

ref: manual_options_settings_1

Options menu • Settings • Page 446

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