

GREGGCHAMBERLAIN “Extraordinary” milestone marked in Plantagenet

Plantagenet | Heritage is becoming a big theme in the year 2012 and nowhere more so than in Plantagenet as residents celebrate the 200 th anniversary of the founding of their village. “It really is something extraordinary, from 1812 to 2012,” said Mayor Jean-Yves Lalonde, as he opened the official bicen- tennial ceremony in the Chesser Cem- etery. Monseigneur Ernest Léger offered up a prayer of thanks both to the founders of the village and those who have helped to keep their memory alive. “It is a sacred duty to remember the work of our ances- tors,” said Msgr. Léger,” of their dedication to life.” The Chessers and the Hagars are the founding families of Plantagenet. Several of their descendents, by blood and mar- riage, still live in the village or in other communities nearby, and many more live throughout the province and as far away as Chicago, Illinois. Many of them made their way “back to the homestead” to join in the celebration of Plantagenet’s bicen- tennial. “It’s a delight to be descended from the gentleman who had such vision,” said John Chesser of Cobourg, Ontario. “And we are very appreciative of all this.”

Gregg Chamberlain

John Chesser (above) and Mayr Jean-Yves Lalonde (right) at a ceremony marking the bicentennial of Plantagenet. Visi- tors view the park dedication/


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Time and vandals have taken their toll on some of the head- stones at the Chesser Cemetery heritage site. But families and the volunteer members of the cem- etery committee do their best to keep the memories together for both the living and those who have passed on.

10 The memorial plaque celebrating the anniversary.

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