


according to multiple statements released by the township, it has been in constant talks with the brewery about possible solutions. In addition to allowing Étienne Brulé to stay BU/PUSF%BNF4USFFUBUCFMPXNBSLFU rental rates beyond the expiration of the lease, it also “accepted the ongoing issue of NJTTFESFOUQBZNFOUTuBOEiPGGFSFENVMUJQMF PQUJPOTUPUIFUFOBOUu According to the statements, none of the offers were accepted. The township had to sell the building as part of the 2022 CVEHFUJOPSEFSUPQBZGPSNVDIOFFEFE infrastructure repairs. “In our 2022 budget, the sale of this property will help considerably reduce the financing costs to rehabilitate a municipal bridge; without these funds, it would have OFDFTTJUBUFEBUBYJODSFBTF uTBJE.BZPS 1JFSSF-FSPVYJOBTUBUFNFOUi8FBSFBMXBZT willing to work with the tenant in finding a solution that is beneficial to both parties; however, Council does have a responsibility to all businesses and residents, not only POFu “I wish to congratulate the new owner on UIFOFYUTUFQPGUIFJSCVTJOFTTTFWPMVUJPO and thank the current tenant for their years PGJOEVTUSZTFSWJDFUPPVSDPNNVOJUZu There is no set date for the move, but Homestead has indicated they anticipate sometime around the end of summer this year.

Étienne Brulé Brewery in Embrun has operated out of 893 Notre Dame Street for years, but now the building has been sold to new owners and they must vacate the premises. During the regular meeting on March 13, Russell Township council authorized the TBMFPGUIFCVJMEJOHBU/PUSF%BNF Street. The building was sold for $750,000 to Homestead Pub, another local brewery JO&NCSVOUIBUDVSSFOUMZPQFSBUFTPVUPG /PUSF%BNF4USFFU5IFQVCTBZTJU has outgrown the smaller building and is excited to move into larger premises and expand further. 5IFDVSSFOUUFOBOUPG/PUSF%BNF Street is another local brewery called Étienne #SVMÊ#SFXFSZ/PXUIBUUIFTBMFIBTHPOF through after almost a year of being on the market, the brewery must find a new building to operate out of before Homestead takes possession and moves in. However, the brewery has admitted that the search has thus far been in vain. i8FIBWFOUGPVOEBWFOVFZFU uUIF CSFXFSZTBJEi*GXFDBOUàOETPNFXIFSF CZUIFUJNF)PNFTUFBENPWFTJO XFMMNPTU likely have to sell the equipment and close VQTIPQu The news has not come out of nowhere, IPXFWFS UJFOOF #SVMÊT MFBTF XJUI UIF township expired in December 2020, and

La brasserie Etienne Brule n’a plus que quelques mois pour trouver un nouvel emplacement. -photo du site

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