WIS Yearbook 2024

Assistant Headteacher: Year 5 - 7

The journey for Years 5,6 and 7 this year has been truly exceptional, marked by many enriching experiences and notable achievements. The students in Years 5 and 6 embarked on thrilling residential trips, fostering teamwork, resilience, and a spirit of adventure as well as many experiences linked to their curriculum. Meanwhile, Year 7 had an unforgettable experience exploring the diverse wildlife at Dubai Safari Park, complemented by numerous new international opportunities that broadened their horizons and cultural understanding. During the year, students have consistently demonstrated the three WIS values of Integrity, Empathy and Fortitude, infusing these into their learning experiences and everyday school life. Students showing these values have been celebrated during assemblies alongside all the other achievements that the students have received over the course of this academic year. A key highlight of the year has been the continued emphasis on Wellbeing through the GroWell curriculum. Students have actively engaged during their tutor time focusing on relationship skills, resilience, and self-awareness. These skills will support students’ emotional intelligence and contribute significantly to personal development and success in various aspects of, not only their time at WIS but in their adult lives as well. I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the WIS parents for their unwavering commitment and support to the school community. Your partnership has played a crucial role in creating a nurturing and thriving learning environment for the students

in Years 5, 6 and 7. Charlotte Harvey Assistant Headteacher: Year 5 - 7


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