WIS Yearbook 2024

Message from our CEO

Dear WIS Community, I am very proud to share the success of GEMS Wellington International School and I hope that you enjoy reading the Yearbook 2024. Our students continue to achieve the very best in their academic studies and I know our graduating class will be a force for good as they head off on the next step on their education journey. They are an exceptional group who will be fantastic ambassadors for WIS across the globe. This year we have continued to drive forward our commitment to the growth of the whole child and the revision and launch of our core values has been central to this. Integrity, Empathy and Fortitude. Three words that have significant influence and power. Demonstrating a deep understanding of what is right and how to make a difference through action is an important aspect of integrity. We continually challenge our students and community to consider how individual decisions will impact on those around them. We also delve deep into our own understanding of truth and honesty. Having integrity is not always straightforward and as our youngest children thrive and grow we acknowledge that working alongside parents and families we can significantly support our children to be come genuine global citizens of the future. Empathy is the touchstone of every WIS student, teacher, leader and parent within the community. How can we work successfully in our thriving, vibrant international setting if we do not have empathy for each other’s needs and culture? Nurturing a strong sense of self and our place in the world ensures that our children become global citizens, confident in their own ideas and feelings with a strong understanding of how they can influence and support those around them. Our students show empathy every day, they exhibit responsible approaches to behaviours and respect personal space, they demonstrate philanthropic actions and care for the region and beyond; they commit to an understanding of how friendships at school can become life-long relationships; a WIS student cares.


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