WIS Yearbook 2024

Our Executive Team

As the Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, I am proud to be able to talk about how our learning environments here at WIS support everyone. At our school, Inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that every student deserves an environment where they feel valued, respected, and able to thrive academically and socially. Our classrooms, corridors and common areas are designed to accommodate diverse learning styles and abilities, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to excel. We foster a culture of collaboration, where students support each other’s learning and celebrate individual achievements. Our dedicated staff members work tirelessly to create a safe and nurturing atmosphere where everyone feels empowered to reach their full potential. Together, we continue to uphold our commitment to providing Inclusive learning environments that inspire growth, creativity, and success for all. Wendy Harris Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion Director of Inclusion for the GEMS Wellington Cluster

Our students continue to amaze us with their incredible IB outcomes and gaining admissions to incredible Universities. The individual success of our students in getting into the right university for them far outweighs anything else as evidence of personalised success. Every year our students build and build and grow their confidence until they leave us and go onto further study. What comforts me and the other teachers even more than seeing them grow on their journey with us, is seeing them grow on their journey without us. We have had more students come back to see us this year than ever before and it’s testament to them to see their further study and employment and all of the successes they are undertaking. Alex Harrison Head of IB Strategy and Partnerships


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