WIS Yearbook 2024


This year marked the second year of our GroWell curriculum for all students across the school. We have continued to refine the GroWell curriculum based on student feedback regarding aspects of their wellbeing they wish to explore further. Our GroWell program is tailored to meet the individual needs of each student, ensuring that the planned sessions are both useful and impactful. Through allocated weekly sessions each year the group from FS to Year 13 focussed on the 5 key areas of wellbeing which are: Self-awareness, Self-management, Relationship skills, Responsible Decision Making and Social Awareness. Students continued to deepen their understanding of these areas. During GroWell sessions, students collaborated with their peers, discussing various wellbeing topics, such as recognising and naming emotions and identifying social cues to understand others’ feelings. These discussions were tailored to be age- appropriate, ensuring full engagement from all students. This year, our WIS value of empathy was a significant focus, particularly within the social awareness sessions. This year, the Wellington Cluster introduced GroWX, a TedX style event where students from across the cluster present their ideas on one of the five key areas. WIS had the privilege of attending and brought along some outstanding students who spoke in front of parents, staff, and fellow students about wellbeing. After a successful year with our wellbeing curriculum at WIS, we are excited to see its continued development next year.


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