PHYSIOTHERAPY CAN HELP YOU STAY ACTIVE Physiotherapy is a great way to make sure you are still in optimum health and your body is strong during this time. Physiotherapy can not only help the body heal as quickly as possible, but it can also help combat illness. The individualized stretches and exercises we prescribe for your treatment plan are great ways to boost your immune system. When your body is in shape, it quite literally has more strength to fight off unwanted viruses. Aiming for at least 20-30 minutes of physical activity a day can help strengthen not only you, but your immune system as well. The sedentary lifestyle that many people have experienced since the beginning of COVID-19 can actually lead to more aches, pains, and discomfort than one may think. Your body, quite simply, was made to move! It can be difficult to find the motivation to get your daily physical activity while sitting at home. Luckily, there are several easy exercises you can do on your own to relieve your pain and get moving! Single Knee to Chest Stretch
(Continued from the reverse side)
9. Get Zinc Zinc plays a critical role in our immune system and people who are deficient in zinc are more susceptible to pathogens. Great sources of zinc include shellfish (like oysters), red meat, chickpeas, lentils, and pumpkin seeds. Identify a few foods you like that contain zinc, and ensure you’re regularly eating those foods to avoid a zinc deficiency. If you don’t eat zinc-rich foods, you may want to consider supplementing with 15 to 30 mg of zinc per day to ensure you’re getting enough in your diet. 10. Eat Lots of Protein Antibodies and your immune system depend on protein, and it’s a critical component in your body’s process of building and repairing tissue. Seek lean protein whenever possible, especially turkey, fish, and chicken. Plant-based proteins from nuts, seeds, and legumes are another good source, as are clean, high-quality protein supplements. Aim to consume half your body weight in grams of protein each day. 11. Sleep! Inadequate sleep can negatively impact your immune system and increase the likelihood of getting sick. Even as little as one hour less sleep per night can have an impact. Turning off all your electronic devices at least a half-hour before bedtime will quiet your mind, and help switch your focus from surfing the web to something relaxing and serene. Get at least 8 hours or restful sleep per night, and allow your brain and body to fully recover by committing to a nightly routine and a consistent bedtime. 12. Add Probiotics to Your Diet A balanced digestive system is necessary for optimal health, and probiotics help keep your digestive system in balance. You can get probiotics from a supplement or from fermented foods like yogurt and kefir. Research indicates that probiotics can contribute to healthy immune function, improve absorption of nutrients, aid digestive health, and protect you from harmful microorganisms.
While lying on your back, hold your knee and gently pull it up towards your chest. 8-10 times on both sides. Clamshells Lie on your side with your hips at 45 degrees and knees bent to 90 degrees. Rotate your hips and knees apart (like a clam opening) while keeping your heels together. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. You should feel a stretch in the outer hip of your top leg.
Essentially, at The Physiotherapy Center, we are still here to help you with whatever you may need. Our aim is to help you stay healthy and strong. Give us a call today at (345) 943-8700.
25 Eclipse Drive, P. O. Box 10742 George Town, Grand Cayman, KY1-1007
Phone : (345) 943-8700 Fax : (345) 943-8701
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