In the process of identifying relevant areas for Hemnet regarding sustainability, we carried out a materiality analysis prior to our first sustainability report in 2019. The analysis was based on risks and opportunities related to running a sustainable business, as well as aspects concerning the environment, social conditions, human resources, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and governance issues. In 2021, we supplemented the materiality analysis with stakeholder dialogues and in-depth interviews with employees, owners, ESG analysts and investors. The overall picture from these dialogues was that Hemnet has a good starting point to further strengthen its work and governance in the most essential areas. Personal privacy and security are considered to make up the most important area for Hemnet, also from a risk perspective, while the climate issue is not considered material for Hemnet. However, there are expectations from our stakeholders that Hemnet will report and comment on its carbon footprint in a clear and comparable way. Finally, many stakeholders note that through its platform, Hemnet has great potential to be a positive force in society. In this year’s sustainability report, we have continued to develop our focus areas based on the materiality analysis carried out in 2019 and the stakeholder dialogues in 2021, but further simplified the framework for our focus areas to clarify that our sustainability efforts derive from our business model and vision.
Governance and responsibility for sustainability within the business
The Board has overall responsibility for the management of the Company, which includes issues relating to sustainable management and the Company’s sustainability report. The CEO is responsible for implementing the Board’s decisions and strategies. The Chief Communication and Brand Officer (CCBO) is responsible for sustainability issues within the management team and, with the support of the Head of Legal, must ensure that sustainability efforts and reporting on them are done correctly and that the Company continuously develops its sustainability efforts and raises its ambitions in line with Hemnet’s Sustainability policy (adopted by the Board in December 2022). Managers at the management team level are responsible for ensuring that the work of each department is carried out in a way that supports the Company’s sustainability efforts. Clear values and ethical guidelines guide our actions Hemnet’s values describe how we act and what we stand for. Our Code of Conduct provides clear ethical and moral guidance and sets the expectations from Hemnet for both employees and external partners. This helps us to act in a trustworthy and transparent way, which ultimately helps strengthen the Hemnet brand. All managers and employees are responsible for reading and complying with the Company’s Code of Conduct.
Training and compliance monitoring During the year, we continued to train new and current employees in our Code of Conduct, which is based on the principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We also have a Supplier Code of Conduct in place to ensure that the principles that Hemnet follows are also clear to our suppliers. In 2023 we implemented a new e-learning system to give our employees better possibilities to learn and understand our most crucial governing documents and improve how we track and follow up our employees’ knowledge. The first e-learning covered our Code of Conduct and was rolled out in February 2023. This will be followed by courses in Information Security and Privacy later in the spring of 2023. E-learning courses will be repeated yearly to ensure our employees have up-to-date knowledge of the company’s most important policies and procedures. Breaches of our Code of Conduct are followed up annually. No violations of our Code of Conduct came to our attention in 2022, either through internal reporting channels or through our whistleblowing system.
Sustainability report
Hemnet Group | Annual and sustainability report 2022 · 29
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