1st Quarter Crime Report

2020 1st Quarter - Crimes Against Persons In the First Quarter of 2020, Crimes Against Persons decreased 1.1% overall with 2,915 offenses reported compared to 2,946 reports in the First Quarter of 2019.

Assault Offenses Decreased 0.7%

Number of Of fenses

Number of Of fenses



Human Trafficking Increased 200.0%



Kiddnapping/Abduction No percent change



January – March 2019

January – March 2020

Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughter & Negligent



Manslaughter Increased 56.3%



Sex Offenses, Forcible Decreased 9.3%



Sex Offenses, Nonforcible Decreased 25.0%

Murder & Nonnegligent Manslaughter and Negligent Manslaughter

Quarterly Stats

Motives included ten arguments/fights, three domestic cases, three child abuse cases, one random, and eight unknown. In the First Quarter of 2020, homicide offenses increased 56.3% with 25 homicide victims compared to 16 in the First Quarter of 2019.

Thirteen of the 25 homicides have been filed or closed.

Six homicides in Council District 8, four homicides in Council Districts 3 and 6, three homicides in Council Districts 2, 4, and 5, and two homicides in Council District 9.

Twenty one homicides involved firearms

Homicide Prevention Strategies FWPD ’ s homicide prevention strategies involve various partnerships. Neighborhood Police Officers, the Vic- tim Assistance Section, and One Safe Place provide outreach services to prevent domestic violence crimes that have the potential to turn into a homicide. In addition, the Homicide Unit works closely with the Crime Lab as policies have changed allowing for more timely entry of ballistic intelligence into the Bureau of Alco- hol, Tobacco, Firearm's (ATF) National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) to more readily iden- tify persons who may be involved in violent offenses. The Homicide Unit also continues to work with mem- bers of the Gang, Narcotics, and Robbery Units where other criminal activity may elevate to homicide.


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