HOW DO YOU SEE? Have you ever heard of the eye dis ease known as micropsia? This particu lar affliction is a form of distorted vision. Objects appear larger than they really are. There are some people who have spiritual micropsia. For instance the Israelites on their advance to the prom ised land. Victory had been assured by the Lord, however, they looked at their enemies and could only see them as giants before grasshoppers. They shrank back and foolishly refused to venture obediently, trusting the promises of God. Micropsia is really unbelief, which al ways magnifies the negative. Today, as you look at the commands of God, do they seem impossible? The only answer for spiritual micropsia is to look to the Great Physician. This disease can be corrected through faith-in God’s precious Word. “Trust in the •Lord with all thy heart, and lean not to thine own under standing. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths." . . . When you're in deep water, a great deal depends upon keeping your mouth closed. * * * DESIRE FOR GOD “There is a thirst that ought not to be quenched. It is the thirst for God. Other thirsts are quenched when they meet their object, but the thirst for God will be quenched even if it doesn’t meet its object. In my daily existence, if I do not taste of the Lord, I shall cease to thirst for Him and the Spirit of God will be quenched. To do this is to sink into a paupe-Ps grave. A theologian once said, ‘I have read of a worm that dieth not and of a fire that is not quenched, I know a fire, however, that is not quenched where the worm does die. It is the fire of Thy love my Father, the deepest longings of my heart for Thee. Only in that endless flame shall the worm of my care be made to die. Only in that mighty thirst shall the power of all other thirsts be allayed. The worm of my care comes back because finite joys grow dim. It shall be consumed forever more in that joy whose every height re veals new heights to come. As the heart panteth after the waterbrooks, so pant- eth my soul after Thee, 0 God.’ ’’ —George Matheson * * * Words like tranquil waters behind a dam can become reckless without caution and wisdom. 17
HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN? J. Hudson Taylor said that he had known more than 100 instances of Chi nese people accepting Christ at their first hearing of the Gospel. One night, addressing a company of Buddhists, one of them was gloriously saved. A fter the meeting he asked Mr. Taylor, “How long have you in England known this won derful Saviour?" The great man o f God replied, “Probably for four or five hun dred years. Why do you ask?" With tears glistening on his cheeks he replied, “Why didn’t someone come sooner? My father sought for light all of his life. He died in the dark as did our ancestors before him. Why has it taken you so long?" This is a question which has been upon the hearts of the adminis trators of Biola since the school’s found ing 58 years ago. We are doing every thing possible to accept more young peo ple who are desirous of preparing them selves to go to the uttermost parts of the earth to preach the Gospel of our blessed Saviour. * * * Efficiency, economy, energy, endurance— if you apply these "e's" now they will lead to ease later on. . . . STRIKING THE KEY One of our radio outlets in the north west sent us an interesting story about how a sheepherder, way out away from any town, had written to them asking that they might sound an “A” note on one of their evening programs. The rea son was he desired to tune his violin since he had no other way of checking. The instrument would naturally mean more to him if it were in tune. (Our stations really serve the public.) Our lives are just like musical instruments. They produce pleasing tones only if we are in harmony with God. It was at Calvary that the Lord sounded the uni versal note to which all lives must be tuned. That note is not reformation but redemption and regeneration through the blood of Christ. This is the note or mes sage which is sounded forth through the lives of our young people whom you are helping to train for service not only in pulpits and places of spiritual leadership in our land but also in the countries acros8 the seas, where the Word of God is still allowed to be proclaimed. * A lie is a coward's way of getting out of trouble. * *
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