5:11, ‘The terror of the Lord’?” A. Our translation g iv e s this as, “Knowing therefore the fear of the Lord.” In the Amplified New Testa ment we read, “Being conscious of fearing the Lord.” Fear does not mean the same as being terrified or afraid. It signifies reverential trust or awe. (“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” ) This is a real ization of Qod’s' love for us and of our love for Him. It is with this in min'd that we persuade men to accept the Lord Jesus Christ. “Was Jesus denying His divinity when He said to the rich young ruler, ‘Why callest thou me good?’ Wasn’t the young man correct?” A. Our Lord was employing a method used today in instruction. He was drawing out of the man just what he actually had meant by his statement. The Saviour wanted to see if the man really realized all that he implied by using the adjective “good.” In the ab solute sense there is only One who is good. Christ wanted to make the man more fully aware of what he had said. Make no mistake, the Lord was not denying His deity, for in His own words, “I and my Father are one.” “I ’ve heard people say that the Bible teaches the yellow race will rule the world. Where did this teaching originate and what does the Bible say about it?” A. The Bible does not teach that the yellow race will rule the world. We be lieve the Scriptures indicate just the opposite. A careful study of such por tions as Daniel 11 so indicate this fact. In the end times there will be four “great” empires striving for world su premacy. All will be destroyed at the end of the Tribulation period when the Lord returns to this earth to rule and to reign. Q . Billings, Montana — “What are the two sticks spoken of in Ezekiel 37:16? Q . Milwaukee, Oregon — Q . Elk Creek, California —
David Mitchell, 1964 Biola graduate, at console of the beautiful Lansing memorial pipe organ during a recent noontime concert.
Are they the Bible and some other book?” A. No, they certainly are not! They represent the tribes of Israel which will eventually, in the end times, be come one again. Read the entire con text for the explanation the Holy Spirit gives. Do not listen to the false teachings of man. Verse 22 gives us the final picture of one nation in the land. One stick represented the north ern kingdom while the other was for the southern kingdom. They came into being at the time of the death of Solo mon, which was around 930 B.C. That division has never been healed to this day. When the Lord comes again, however, it will. God has a wonderful way of indicating His truth by such interesting illustrations. “Do you think it’8 wrong for a believer to go to law with an unbeliever? Did Pend say that this is not right? (I Timothy 1:19).” A. The verse indicated does not have to do with going to a court of law. It has reference to the law of God. The question itself has many ramifica tions. It certainly is the ideal thing to refrain from going to court if at all possible. Use every human means pos sible to keep from it. But there may be times when a believer has to do it to Q . Bakersfield, C a lifo r n ia —
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