Biola Broadcaster - 1965-05

plan a vacation with a true spiritual purpose

June 27 - July 3 B IO LA LA M IR A D A C A M P U S

Speakers will include Dr. Walter L. W ilson, and Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. (Doreen Shaw) Woodbridge, with special music by Joyce Landorf. N o rental charge for rooms is made. Afternoons are sched- uled for trips, to places of interest throughout the Los Angeles area. A unique program for young people as well.

August 8 - August 14 M O U N T HERMON , CA L IFO RN IA

Speakers Wiil include Dr. Ralph L. Keiper of Philadelphia, and Dr. W . Robert Smith of St. Paul, with challenging messages

from. £ o d 's W ord. Special features will include afternqon symposiums. ;JoyC0 Landorf is guest

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August 22 - August 29 TH E F IRS, B E LL INGH AM , W A SH IN G TO N Speakers will include Dr. Ralph L. Keiper, Dr. W . Robert Smith, and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, >^ith Joyce Landorf, soprano, soloist. Special' after­ noon meetings, coffee fellowships, and youth activities, make it an ideal week for the entire family.

for further information and descriptive brochures, terite: V' Summer Conférence Department BIOLA . 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California

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