Warrior Quest Summer 2024 Reclaiming Our Narrative

misisions personnell from local col - leges and universities like the Com - munity College of Baltimore County, Stevenson University, Coppin State University, Mc - Daniel College and much more.

Quality versus Quantity

MD Year of Service presentation

Field trip and presentation planning was informed by data acquired through assess - ments like Traitify, a career tool which gathers and analyzes student preferences and provides real time synthesis related to future careers, personality traits and more.

PLTW Biomedical Science senior

Continued on Page 6

Curated career-focused books with the intent of providing students resources as they develop their gameplan for career, college or work success after BCPS will become a mainstay in Woodlawn High School’s library. It was an idea that originated with Owings Mills High School librarian Courtney Yates who shared her plan with Mrs. Frager, WHS librarian. The career/skill planning books arrived on the last day of the 2023-2024 school year, and Ms. Frager and her volunteers could not wait to begin setting up this resource. New Career Library

field trips, career assessments/camps, and fo - cused future career planning with an eye on equipping students with skills and industry certifications that would buoy their future. Blueprint for Maryland This planning is in line with the focus of The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. Blueprint “provides access to a rigorous and meaning - ful education that prepares students for success in college, career, and life. All students, re - gardless of family income, race, ethnicity, and/ or ability shall have equitable access to new curricula and college and career pathways.” At Woodlawn High School, students had more than 60 opportunities to extend their learning beyond the classroom through field trips during the 2023-2024 school year. Among many places, students visited the White House to learn about careers in the govern - ment, Quantico, VA to visit the Marine Corps Base to explore military careers, and Her - shey Park in PA to experience the manufactur - ing process for students interested in a trade.

Students also visited and met with college ad -

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