Summer is in full swing, and that means it’s time for pool parties, barbecues, vacations, bike rides, and endless days at the lake or baseball field. It can feel great to soak up some sunshine after a long winter, but it can also lead to sunburns and aging skin. Sadly, many common sunscreens can be loaded with added chemicals.
However, you can avoid sunburns and chemicals by naturally preventing and treating sunburns. Here’s how!
Sunscreen is often the first tool people grab, but it doesn’t have to be. Instead, try limiting the direct exposure you have to the sun. Wear hats that cover your head, face, and ears and loose clothing that covers your shoulders and legs. Avoid going outside during the hottest part of the day when the sun is at its most intense and try to sit in the shade.
There are key ingredients you need to look for when choosing the right sunscreen, and as a bonus, they are naturally occurring! Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide reflect and scatter the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Without these ingredients, you will only lessen your exposure to some of the sun’s rays, but not the two most dangerous — UVA and UVB.
Store-bought sunscreen can be beneficial, but it’s often filled with added chemicals and ingredients. Conversely, many homemade salves are not effective. Opt for naturally made sunscreens and read the ingredients to ensure it doesn’t contain unnecessary additives like parabens. These chemical compounds preserve beauty products but are potentially linked to cancer and other ailments. Do your research on every ingredient before choosing a natural sunscreen for your family!
First, run a bath with cool, tepid water. Allow your skin to cool in the bath and use ice packs for quick relief. Stay hydrated by drinking water, which will help your skin absorb and hold in moisture. Regularly apply natural lotions or lubricants to further help your skin lock in moisture. Coconut oil, aloe vera, and honey can also relieve pain, swelling, and burning. (Do not use honey on babies who are 12 months or younger.) AIN’T NO PARTY LIKE A ‘VANITY’ PARTY
… because a “VANity” party don’t stop! Well, it does, but it’s a van, so it’s not hard to get it rolling again.
That way, when you’re stuck in the stands for three hours straight, you and a friend can trade off watching the other’s kid while one of you runs out to the VANity for a touch-up and top-off.
If you haven’t seen our mobile aesthetics unit yet, you’re in for a real treat — and you might think about throwing a van party with your friends! At its core, it’s a van that has the highest standard of comfort and mobile aesthetics care. Think of it as the “Mystery Mobile” for your look: Our team of crack experts shows up and scares off the bad juju — in this case, the juju is that of a stagnant look, or maybe a bachelorette party the night before. We can do injectables, Botox, lip filler, and other “top-off” procedures from the comfort of the van. And did we mention IV hydration? It’s just the thing for the “morning after” or to keep the party rolling. Popular at bachelorette parties and other girls-night gatherings, we’re happy to drive anywhere in the area to meet your needs. We can come inside, or you can come to us and see the comfortable setup for yourself. We’re also getting excited for football season — keep an eye out for the VANity in parking lots during your son’s practices and throughout the season.
Keep an eye on this space for more VANity updates soon!
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