Leadership in Action - English - 202107

the most astounding investment opportunity in this decade. Not your money – your time! Think about it! Sincerely,

believes that their business will grow without a substantial investment of time, they will be disappointed. If someone believes that someone in their organization will build it for them, they will be disappointed. The only way for people to get hurt in Melaleuca is if they do not go to work or if they spend their time doing the wrong activities. If they do not invest their time adding names to their contact list and making approaches, they will miss out on

to them. This could not be further from the truth. Our Executive, National, Corporate, and Presidential Directors reap those large incomes because of the time they have invested in doing effective business- building activities. A person can be “busy” doing ineffective activities, and there is very little return on that investment. But there is tremendous return on time invested in effective activities. The most effective activity in Melaleuca is enroling new customers. The second most effective activity is helping those customers who are willing to work to enrol new customers. The results of investing in business-building activities are enormous! The financial returns will come back month after month, year after year. But here’s the rub: you must first make the investment before you receive the return! Those who do not make the investment of their time today will receive no return tomorrow. It is not an investment of money; it is an investment of time – time spent building a contact list, contacting customers and setting up appointments, making in-home presentations, and helping your organization find and enrol new customers. Melaleuca is a solid investment! Invest your time well and you will get a marvelous return! Do not invest your time, and there will be no return. Now, how can someone get hurt? If someone somehow

Not Your Money – Your TIME!



profitable business opportunity for anyone who is willing to throw themselves into building a Melaleuca business. I do not use the two words “immensely profitable” lightly. I know of no business or financial opportunity that gives a better return on investment than a Melaleuca business. Not even close! The investment of time, however, is another story – and that is where someone can get hurt. Not because of an investment of too much time, but because of too little time. The potential return on the time invested in Melaleuca is enormous – but that is where the problem is. Many people do not understand the concept of return on time invested. Some believe that the tremendous incomes that our Melaleuca leaders earn each year are the result of some “program” or unique feature in the Compensation Plan or something that just happened

make thousands of dollars each month. Several make hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. No one has ever gotten hurt – how could they? Well, I believe someone could

Throughout Melaleuca’s history we have always said people can never be hurt in their relationship with Melaleuca. But now I realize that there is a way people can get hurt. Oh yes, we have built in all the safeguards that you would examine to determine the level of risk. There is no dollar investment to start a Melaleuca business. We have strong policies to prevent inventory loading. There are no “breakaways.” No one gets “passed up” by other Marketing Executives in their organization. Our products have an unconditional money-back guarantee; we stand behind every product. We do not allow unauthorized sales literature or exaggerated earnings claims or unsubstantiated product claims. We are financially sound. We have never missed paying a bonus check, and we have never even been a single day late sending out bonus checks. Never! Not once! Our Marketing Executives are prospering! Thousands

“The most effective activity in Melaleuca is enroling new customers. The second most effective activity is helping those customers who are willing to work to enrol new customers.”

get hurt. I’ve been thinking a lot about it, and I believe something should be done – although it is largely out of my control. But it is definitely within your control! We have an immensely



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