
Tips for surviving heat waves

6 ঞps to protect your mental health at work

3. Connect with co-workers. Make time in your schedule to socialize with your colleagues. 4. Drink sensibly. Avoid using drugs and alcohol to manage work-related stress. 5. Use workplace resources. Take advantage of any well-being or time management resources offered by your employer. 6. Resolve interpersonal tensions. Speak to your employer, or someone you trust, about interpersonal issues like intimidation or ha- rassment.

Work is an important part of our lives and can impart a sense of purpose and accomplishment. However, according to the Mental Health Com- mission of Canada, one in five Canadians strug- gles with mental health issues, and workplace stress is often reported as the primary cause. Among Canadian employees, depression and an- xiety are noted as the top two issues. The result of all this is that absenteeism, loss of productivity and resignations are increasingly common in the workplace. Notable causes of work-related mental health issues are work overload, lack of recognition, precarious employ- ment situations and interpersonal tensions. Here are six things you can do to avoid or lessen the effects of these problems. 1. Take a break. You’re entitled to your break times, so take advantage of every minute. 2. Delegate tasks . If you have a heavy workload, don’t be afraid to unload some of your tasks to your colleagues.

Heat waves are a serious health hazard. In the absence of air conditioning, here are some things you can do to minimize the risk of heat-re- lated medical emergencies.

inside your home cooler. Keeping your windows open at night is a good idea if the outside tem- perature is lower than the inside temperature. • Reduce physical activity and avoid serious exer- tion if possible. In addition to the above, it’s a good idea to be familiar with the signs of heatstroke and heat ex- haustion, which includes red skin, lack of pers- piration, dizziness, nausea and confusion. Be es- pecially vigilant around seniors and children.

• Drink lots of water, even if you’re not thirsty.

• Avoid alcoholic beverages, which can cause de- hydration. • Eat water-rich foods like watermelon, tomatoes and cucumbers and opt for cold meals such as salads and sandwiches. • Visit the local swimming pool to cool down. Al- ternatively, you can use a water hose, wate- ring can or a cold compress. • Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. the sun is at its strongest, so avoid going outside between those times if possible. • Protect yourself from the sun. If you have to be outside, stay in the shade and wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. • Wear loose, light-coloured clothes that breathe well. • Visit an air-conditioned space like a mall, library or movie theatre. • Take a cold shower or bath.






• Close your windows and blinds to keep the air

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