

A clear reflection: changes in the environment influence human living conditions, while our way of life has a huge impact on the environment.

„ Environmental and social issues are closely linked. One influences the other. Thomas Sørensen , portfolio manager at Nordea Asset Management water is released without treatment back into the environment, while two billion people live without any readily available safe water supplies at home.” and enhance social equity and fair burden- sharing. “The concept of the inclusive green economy forms a pathway towards achieving

the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” Sørensen says. “In addition, this is truly an immense investment opportunity, as achieving the SDGs could unlock economic prospects worth at least USD 12trn a year by 2030.”

As the interconnection between social and climate issues continues to gain traction, Sørensen and Padberg are looking to invest in companies at the forefront of building an ‘inclusive green economy’. According to Sørensen and Padberg, investing in an inclusive green economy will help ensure ecosystem resiliency, improve resource efficiency,

Padberg says the philosophy behind the Nordea 1 – Global Climate and Social Impact Fund rests on

ISSUE 02.2021

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