The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.9


The Fundamentals. The power of such prayer defies all competition or imi­ tation by the most perfect forms of liturgy. Who can copy or canvass the imprisoned flame of a priceless gem with mere brush and pigments 1 Or counterfeit the photosphere of the sun with yellow chalk! There is a flame of God which prayer lights within; there is a glow and light and heat in the life which can be kindled only by a coal from the golden altar which is before the throne. It is only the few who find their way thither and know the enkindling power; but to those few the Church and the world owe mighty upheavals and outpourings. (Rev. 8.) Chemical galvanism possesses this peculiarity, that an increase of its powers cannot be gained by increasing the di­ mensions of the cells of the battery, but can be by increasing their number. We need more intercessors if we are to have greatly increased power. The number of cells must be in­ creased. More of God’s people must learn to pray. The foes are too many for a few to cope with them, however empowered of God. The variety of human want and woe, the scattered millions of the unsaved, the wide territory to be covered with intercession—all these and other like con­ siderations demand multiplied forces. Each human being has only a very limited knowledge of human need. Our in­ dividual circle of acquaintance is so comparatively narrow that even the most prayerful spirit cannot survey the whole field. But when in all parts of the destitute territory suppli- cators multiply, even these narrow circles, placed side by side and largely overlapping, cover the whole broad field of need. Our own personal and limited knowledge and range of in­ telligent sympathy meet and touch similar and sympathetic souls, so that what we do not see or feel or pray for, ap­ peals to others of our fellow disciples; and so, in proportion as the intercessors multiply, every interest of mankind finds its representatives in the secret place and at the throne.

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