MIDLAND Accelerate Locked-in Indexed Annuity

MNL Accelerate 5 guarantees No matter how you diversify among the strategies, you’ll ‘lock in’ the participation rate for the first 5 years. You’ll know what to expect from your MNL Accelerate 5 fixed index annuity each year.

Choose your allocation options In addition to the fixed account, here are your crediting methods and index options.

Diversify your premium annually among the following index account options Crediting method options* Index availability*

• S&P MARC 5% ER • Fidelity Multifactor Yield Index SM 5% ER • BlackRock ESG US 5% Index ER • S&P MARC 5% ER • Fidelity Multifactor Yield Index SM 5% ER • BlackRock ESG US 5% Index ER

Annual Point-to-Point with participation rate

Annual Point-to-Point with enhanced participation rate 1 (subject to annual charge)

Fixed account Premium allocated to the fixed account will be credited interest at a declared fixed account interest rate and is credited daily. The initial premium interest rate is guaranteed for the first five contract years. For each subsequent contract year, we will declare, at our discretion, a fixed account interest rate that will apply to the amount allocated to the fixed account as of the beginning of that contract year. A declared fixed account Interest rate will never fall below the minimum guaranteed fixed account interest rate.

In your contract the applicable period of time for your crediting method is referred to as a “term”. * Index(es) and crediting method options may not be available in all states.

1 Known as a strategy fee annual percentage in the contract. In exchange for the charge, you receive an enhanced participation rate. The charge is multiplied by the number of years in the crediting term and is deducted once each term from the accumulated value allocated to the enhanced participation rate method. The charge will be deducted once each term at the earliest of any partial withdrawal that exceeds the penalty-free amount, a full surrender or the end of the term. The strategy charge will be deducted regardless of the interest credited to the contract and can lead to loss of premium in certain scenarios. Your financial professional may explain how the different interest crediting methods work to help you determine which strategy or combination of strategies could be the best fit for your objectives. Ask your financial professional for the current rates and minimum participation rates, declared performance rate, and fixed account interest rate.


REV 9-22


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