Symetra Edge Elite



Your index choices

This industry-leading, multi-asset-class index seeks to generate returns by utilizing a diverse array of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and a cash index. In an attempt to dampen its up and down movements, the index rebalances monthly to create an asset mix with the best recent returns for a given level of risk. This dynamic index pursues attractive returns with a focus on managing volatility and avoiding unwanted surprises. It combines three kinds of asset classes: U.S. stocks with better risk-adjusted return potential than the market average, U.S. Treasury bonds for stability and diversification, and cash to mitigate downside risk. The index has rules that seek to manage risk. On a daily basis the index can flex and rebalance, targeting volatility centered around 5%. Widely regarded as the best single gauge of large-cap U.S. equities, this world-renowned index includes 500 of the top companies in leading industries of the U.S. economy.

JPMorgan ETF Eiciente® 5 Index


Putnam Dynamic Low Volatility Excess Return Index™


S&P 500 Index®


Indexed interest crediting Interest credited to indexed accounts is determined by comparing the value of the index at the beginning of the 1- or 2-year interest term to its value at the end of the interest term. Interest is credited based on a participation rate or up to a cap, depending on which index you choose.

End date

Interest term start date

Chart is for illustrative purposes only.

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