Power & Performance in the Port Industry

Power Cylinders & Cam Clutches Tsubaki Power Cylinders are all-electric linear actuators that can be run with simple wiring - there is no need to run expensive hydraulic lines to power them. The benefits of no oil leaks, lower energy costs and clean operations are driving more port users from fluid power to Tsubaki Power Cylinders worldwide.

Container Cranes

Container Tilting

Adjusts container tilting (skew, trim, and list) by moving the hoisting rope.

Tsubaki Cam Clutches are used widely in RTG cranes in the container anti-sway mechanism. Tsubaki offers special models for precise engagement and long life, thereby increasing available operating time and reducing down time. Anti-sway Mechanism (Cam Clutches)

Arm Extension Adjusts the length of the arm to match the size of the container (such as for double containers).

Tsubaki roller chain drives and shuts the spreader arms.


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