King's Business - 1911-09

Begotten of God by the Word of truth. James 1:18. Born again of incorruptible seed. 1 Pet. 1:23. Milk of the Word, means of growth. 1 Pet. 2:2. Love perfected in keeping the Word. 1 Jno. 2;5. Keep my word and I will keep you. Rev. 3:10. The name of the Judge, the Word. Eev. 19:13. Doubting it, we make God a liar. 1 Jno. 5:10. WHAT GOD SAYS OF HIS WORD. Psa. 138:2. Its decisions are immutable. Isa. 8:20. Its doctrines are holy. Psa. 19:8. Its precepts are binding. Deut. 6:6. Its histories are true. Isa. 53:11. I t has light to direct you. Psa. 119:105. It has food to nourish you. 1 Pet. 2:2. It has comfort to cheer you. Psa. 119:50. It is the traveler's map. Isa. 30:21. It is the pilgrim's staff. Isa. 41:10. It is the soldier's sword. Eph. 6:17. It is the pilot's compass. Jno. 16:13. It is the river of pleasure. Jer. 15:16. It is a mine of wealth. Psa. 19:10. It is a paradise of glory. 1 Jno. 3:24.

Practice it to be holy. 2 Gor. 7:1. Let it fill the memory. 2 Tim. 3:14, Let it guide the feet. Psa. 73:24. Let it rule the heart. Rom. 10:10. SEVEN REASONS FOR STUDYING THE WORD. 1—It is God's command. John 5:39. 2 —Ü is God's power to save. Rom. 1: 16. 3—It is God's power to keep. Ps. 119- 9-11. • 4—It is the Wisdom of God. 2 Tim. 3:16. 5—It is Enduring. Mark 13:31. 6—Because we will be Judged bv it. John 12:48; Rev. 20:12. 7—Because of the Rewards. —Honor me and I will honor you. Isa. 66:2. Keep my -word and I will keep you. Rev. 3:10. Hear when I speak and I will hear when you call. John 15:7. FAITH IN THE CHRIST OF THIS BOOK. Is the source of salvation. Acts 4:12, Is the author of life. John 20:21. Is the means of remission. Acts 10:43. I t makes us sons of God. John 1:12. It gives power in prayer. John 14:13. It gives victory over Satan. Luke 10:17. The Sinner's Gospel. Christ died for me. "Whosoever will, may come." The Believer's Gospel. We died with Him. "Whatsoever He saith, do i t . "

Read it to be wise. Isa. 50:4. Believe it to be safe. Jno. 5:24.

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Lyman Stewart, whose heart is So occupied with interests of the school. May it please the Lord to grant unto him strength and wisdom for the manifold duties devolving upon him in his business life. P r ay for every departmen tof our growing work. Those who wish to be enrolled on our intercessory list will be furnished with our little prayer pamphlet upon applica- tion. Let us give ourselves as never be- fore to prayer.

We are in the' midst of great events in connection with the Institute and we need the continued prayers of our intercessors that the Lord will select a site and de- cide the character of our school buildings; for the enlargement of our clasB work; for Dr. Torrey and Mr. Hunter, who will be with us January 1st. Dr. Torrey is filling an evangelistic engagement in Eng- land. Pray that he may be abundantly used of God. And for our president, Mr.

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