CBEI Central Wisconsin Spring 2024 Report

Labor Market Statistics

Table 6 Labor Market Indicators from LAUS and retrieved from WisConomy (First Quarter 2024)

Labor Force

Unemployment Rate


Labor Market Area

2024 Q1 (x1000)

% ∆ Yr. Ago

2024 Q1

2023 Q1

2024 Q1 (x1000)

% ∆ Yr. Ago

Portage County

38.2 14.0 72.9 33.4

0.5 1.0

3.4 3.3 3.2 4.1 3.0 3.8

3.1 2.5 2.7 3.7 2.6 3.5

36.9 13.6 70.6 32.0

0.2 0.2

City of Stevens Point Marathon County

-0.1 -0.6

-0.6 -1.0

Wood County



0.8 0.7


0.4 0.4

United States



Description: • Labor Force: Includes all people over the age 16 who are either working or actively looking for work (in thousands).

• Unemployment Rate: The number of unemployed as a percentage of the labor force. • Employment: Includes all people over age 16 who are working (in thousands). Analysis:

• The numbers indicate a softening of the labor market as unemployment rates at all levels have increased modestly over the last year. The unemployment rates still are at historically low levels and the labor market remains relatively tight. • Note that the unemployment rates for Wisconsin and designated counties are lower than the national unemployment rate which has been the case since 2010.

Table 7 Wisconsin Employment by Industry Sector from Payroll Employment Survey - CES and retrieved from WisConomy (First Quarter 2024)

Natural Resources and Mining

Trade, Transport and Utilities

Nonfarm Jobs

Construction Jobs Manufacturing

Information Jobs

2024 Q1 (x1000) 3,034.4

% ∆ Yr. Ago

2024 Q1 (x1000)

% ∆ Yr. Ago

2024 Q1 (x1000)

% ∆ Yr. Ago

2024 Q1 (x1000)

% ∆ Yr. Ago

2024 Q1 (x1000)

% ∆ Yr. Ago

2024 Q1 (x1000)

% ∆ Yr. Ago

0.8 143.9 5.3 478.7 -0.6


5.3 553.4 -0.2 47.8


Education and Health

Leisure and Hospitality

Finance Jobs

Business Services

Other Services


2024 Q1 (x1000) % ∆ Yr. Ago 159.2 -0.3 325.5 -1.8 477.9 1.9 286.2 1.9 146.8 1.4 411.0 2.1 Description: • Employment data are classified using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The above table categorizes data according to major industry sectors (in thousands). Analysis: % ∆ Yr. Ago 2024 Q1 (x1000) % ∆ Yr. Ago 2024 Q1 (x1000) % ∆ Yr. Ago 2024 Q1 (x1000) % ∆ Yr. Ago 2024 Q1 (x1000) % ∆ Yr. Ago 2024 Q1 (x1000) • The 0.8% increase in total nonfarm jobs in Wisconsin since Q1 2023 shows slowing job growth in the state. • The construction and natural resources & mining sectors, however, both showed a 5.3% growth in jobs. • Manufacturing, finance, business services and the trade, transport, & utilities sectors all experienced modest declines in employment.


Center for Business and Economic Insight

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