CBEI Central Wisconsin Spring 2024 Report

Table 14 Nonresidential Construction: Stevens Point - Plover Area (First Quarter 2024)

Estimated Value of New Structures (x1000)

Alteration of Business Permits Issued

Estimated Value of Alterations (x1000)

Permits Issued

2024 Q1

2023 Q1

2024 Q1

% ∆ Yr. Ago

2024 Q1

2023 Q1

2024 Q1

% ∆ Yr. Ago









Description: • The above provides construction figures for new business and commercial structures as well as alterations. The above estimated values are in thousands of dollars. Analysis: • Nonresidential construction numbers are often volatile given the highly variable nature of construction projects for new businesses. • While the number of nonresidential construction permits is 3 (down from 4 a year ago), the estimated value of new structures has fallen by 98%. • The estimated value of nonresidential operations has increased by 65.9% relative to a year ago.

Business Sentiment Table 15 Business Confidence Survey: Central Wisconsin Area

Index Value April 2024

Index Value Nov. 2023

Recent Changes in National Economic Conditions Recent Changes in Local Economic Conditions Expected Changes in National Economic Conditions Expected Changes in Local Economic Conditions

25 38 35 43 53

44 48 34 41 58

Expected Changes in Industry Conditions

100 = Substantially Better


0=Substantially Worse

Description: • Diffusion index numbers are based on a survey of businesses from the central Wisconsin region. • Numbers between 50 and 100 indicate a more favorable view of conditions while numbers between 0 and 50 indicate a more negative view of conditions. Analysis: • Survey results show that central Wisconsin businesses generally rate both national and local economic conditions to be worse than six months ago. • Results also show continued pessimism regarding expectations of future economic performance six months from now at the national and local levels. • Central Wisconsin businesses, however, expect industry conditions to be about the same six months from now.

Central Wisconsin Report - Spring 2024


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