CBEI Central Wisconsin Spring 2024 Report

GLOBE 2020 Culture Dimensions • Assertiveness: The extent to which members of a society are aggressive and direct in social relationships. • Future Orientation: The extent to which members of a society engage in future- oriented behaviors such as planning and delaying individual or collective gratification. • Performance Orientation: The extent to which a society encourages and rewards its members to work towards performance improvement and excellence. • Humane Orientation: The extent to which a society encourages fair, altruistic, friendly, generous, caring, and kind behavior. • General propensity to Trust: The extent to which members of a society trust the other members in the society. • Religiosity: The extent to which members of a society have religious beliefs and practice religious rituals.

Why is this important?


q China q Canada q Mexico q Japan q Germany q South Korea q United Kingdom q France Top 15 US Trading Partners q India q Italy q Taiwan q Netherlands q Brazil q Ireland q Switzerland


q 44.4 million foreign born immigrants living in the United States (as of 2017) q Think of the number of second-generation US citizens that are influenced by their parent’s place of birth and corresponding culture q Top birthplaces of US immigrants: Mexico, China, India, Philippines, and El Salvador q Up to 6.8 million US citizens living abroad q Most in Mexico, Canada, Israel, United Kingdom, France, and Germany q Americans frequently travel around the world q We live, work, and interact in a very diverse and interconnected world

q 137 economies q Global Competitiveness Index measures national competitiveness: the set of institutions, policies and factors that determine the level of productivity q Examines the factors that drive long-term growth and prosperity q Helps policymakers identify challenges and strengths for economic growth strategies q Growth creates the resources needed for better education, health, security, and higher incomes. q Common framework and comparable data Global Competitiveness Index Overview

Performance Orientation

Performance Orientation: The degree to which a collective encourages and rewards (and should encourage and reward) group members for performance improvement and excellence.

Central Wisconsin Report - Spring 2024


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