CBEI Central Wisconsin Spring 2024 Report

community characteristics and quality of life factors than ever before. As more individuals seek places with vibrancy, culture, and arts, communities that prioritize creative placemaking initiatives stand out as more desirable locations for both residents and businesses. Ultimately, creative placemaking becomes a catalyst that unites people in celebration of arts and culture, igniting inspiration and a shared sense of belonging (McCormick, et al., 2020). Focus on Arts At its roots, creative placemaking focuses on arts and culture as a transformative and catalytic force in community development. Through projects like murals, installations, and performances, it creates spaces where creativity can thrive and fosters belonging and identity of both the place and people involved. It’s more than adding a splash of color or having an occasional performance; it’s reshaping the way we interact with and experience our surroundings. Art focused creative placemaking initiatives not only bring beauty to urban landscapes, but also have the ability to tell stories about an area’s history, culture, and shared vision. Serving as focal points for residents and visitors, inviting them to pause, reflect, and connect with the community in a meaningful way. Embracing Community Heritage One aspect of this approach embraces an area’s history through historic preservation efforts and focuses on community heritage in a way that serves as a reminder of where we have been and a guiding light for where we’re going. Preservation plays a central role, not only preserving brick-and-mortar but breathing new life into spaces that hold memories and stories of generations past. This approach embraces the value of historic structures and works to maintain the character and authenticity of neighborhoods. From repurposing old warehouses and factories into housing or historic homes into museums and businesses, it contributes to the economic vitality and resilience of communities. Economic Impact of Creative Placemaking Creative placemaking creates economic impact by bringing people to an enjoyable space and giving them reasons to spend more time there. As businesses follow people in this new wave of economic development, businesses also follow creative placemaking projects that draw people to specific areas. A comprehensive study in Michigan by Dynamo Metrics from 2008-2019 tracked hundreds of deals that employed a variety of place-based investments, including investments

in placemaking (MEDC, 2021). The study found that property values increased because of these investments, and occupancy rates also went up. Specifically, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s impact analysis estimated that property values increased by $3.9 billion for the cities of Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing, Marquette, Alpena, and Adrian over this time period (MEDC, 2021, p. 3). These findings should not be surprising. Indeed, “[t]he precursors to economic growth (e.g. entrepreneurship, knowledge, talent, industries) are attracted to locations that are enhanced through placemaking.” (Adelaja, et al, 2012, p. 5). Businesses are more likely to locate and grow near placemaking projects like murals and sculptures that attract people on a regular basis. When there is a location like a park or town square known for hosting event series, that placemaking activity also makes business operation more viable in close proximity to a continuous flow of potential customers. By hosting these projects and activities near businesses, visitors spend money at businesses in close proximity. These projects are particularly helpful in business districts filled with locally-owned stores because money spent at locally-owned businesses produces residual and ripple impacts, with 68% staying within the community versus 43% if spent at big-box stores (Shepherd, 2023). Moreover, creative placemaking events often employ local artisans and small food truck businesses, thereby supporting entrepreneurship and encouraging more economic activity. Creative Placemaking in Action In the heart of Central Wisconsin, the spirit of creative placemaking shines through in culture, arts, and recreation. From bustling downtown streets to historic revitalization, these initiatives bring vibrancy and social cohesion to communities. Events Outdoor concert series are prime examples of how creativity can help create attachment to a place. In Stevens Point, the Levitt Amp concert series takes place weekly on Thursdays in Pfiffner Pioneer Park. The location was strategically chosen to help create a stronger tie between downtown and the riverfront. The series features various music acts from around the nation and draws in more than 1,000 people to the park each week. Concerts on the Square in Wausau is a similar event. Taking place weekly on Wednesdays in the 400 Block park of downtown Wausau, it draws

Central Wisconsin Report - Spring 2024


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