Matthew Clark Summer 2024

Top Tip: Draw attention to your

non-alcoholic sips by highlighting them on your menu, both in the cocktail and softs section. Share them on social media and don’t forget to encourage your staff to

recommend these tasty alternatives to alcoholic cocktails.

1 in 3 customers are moderating their alcohol intake. As consumers are becoming more health conscious, we’re seeing people drinking less alcohol. However while we know that consumers may be drinking less, they are still willing to spend more on a really tasty non alcoholic drink. With its uplifting elixir of vitamins, minerals and botanicals, Wild Life Botanicals is an award-winning refreshing, dry, and sophisticated ultra-low alcohol sparkling wine.

Wine-based cocktails and spritzes are a great way to engage with the younger crowds during summer, with a quarter of 18–34-year-olds describing them as appealing.



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