Matthew Clark Summer 2024

Results Mostly A’s: Consider offering wines such as Prosecco and Rosé, or fruity reds like Gamay or Grenache to appeal to younger drinkers who enjoy lighter, easy-drinking options. We suggest: Lion & The Lily Rosé Da Luca Prosecco Rosé

5. Does food play a big role in what your venue offers? A. No. We are a wet-led venue B. We do serve food but it’s not a big focus C. Yes. Dining sits at the heart of our business

6. What is your preferred price range for wine aimed at younger drinkers?

Fantinel Prosecco Extra Dry Amandla Pinotage Malbec

A. Affordable - less than £25 B. Mid-range - between £26 - £39 C. Premium - £40 or more

Mostly B’s: Include crowd-pleasers such as Pinot Grigio, Malbec and Sauvignon Blanc, or blends with a hint of sweetness to cater to the varied tastes of young adults who prefer approachable wines with a touch of complexity. We suggest: Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio Yealands Estate Single Vineyard Sauvignon Blanc 14 Hands Chardonnay Catena Malbec

7. Does your wine list feature trendy or experimental wines? A. No - we stick to the popular choices B. We offer both the popular choices and more experimental styles C. Absolutely - all our wines are trending or experimental

Mostly C’s: Showcase bold and trending choices such as Riesling, Zinfandel and Cabernet Franc, or unique varietals from emerging wine regions to attract adventurous young drinkers who want to try something new and who are willing to experiment. Offer these wines by the glass. We suggest: Gérard Bertrand Orange Gold Paco & Lola Albariño Roots by Wilhelm Weil Riesling Enrico Serafino Barolo

8. What styles of wine do your younger customers tend to go for? A. They prefer lighter, fruit-forward wines B. They enjoy a mix but lean towards wines with a hint of sweetness C. They appreciate bold, adventurous flavours



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