Solent Christmas Brochure

Christmas Package

Always wondering how to get everyone together at Christmas. Or perhaps you fancy a break from the norm? We’re here to help.

With plenty of rooms to fit everyone in, all featuring comfy beds and all the facilities every generation needs, from tea and coffee facilities to White Company toiletries to V.I.Little.P extras. We’ve also prepared welcoming lounge areas for everyone to gather and share a story or two, along with our award- winning restaurant to ensure that everyone’s taste buds are left tantalised. To make your Christmas booking contact the Reservations Team on 01489 880000 or email All prices are based on two people sharing a double room. Single supplement applies £35 per night. Pre-booking for the package is required along with reservations for dining during your stay. A non-refundable deposit of £50 per person will be required at the time of booking and the full balance paid by 1st December.


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