Jones Smiles - January 2018

germs, the dirty sock adornment served more as a reminder for the healthy to steer clear of their feverish neighbors. You’re Hot Then You’re Cold This holistic approach supposedly clears nasal congestion for a restful night’s sleep. Simply soak your feet in warm water until they’re hot and pink. While you’re sitting, let a pair of socks rest in a bowl of ice water. Wring them out, then pull them over your warm feet. Immediately add another layer of dry socks and hop into bed! HAVE A TICKLE IN YOUR THROAT? 2 Strange Cold Remedies for the Winter Season

The cruel winds of winter swirl just outside your window as you stoke the fire and curl up in the armchair nearby, eager to finally start that Agatha Christie novel. But as you stir your tea and pull on a pair of socks, you feel a slight tickle in your throat. Frantic, you reach for your trusty onion necklace… Yes, it’s as strange as it sounds. Among the countless cold remedies in the world, there are some that involve onion necklaces and others that require powdered frog skin. But most of the time, these superstitions do little or nothing to combat your infections. Take these two sock remedies, for instance. A Dirty Lard Scarf Some home-remedy enthusiasts encourage infected friends to grease their necks with chicken fat. After their skin is sufficiently coated, the afflicted wrap their necks with dirty socks, and warm and a little sticky, sweat out their germs.

But Does It Work?

Maybe! This approach is a standard practice in hydrotherapy. Your body is surprised by the sudden change in temperature and increases its circulation rate. This could help clear your nasal passages and jump-start your immune system. In the end, whether you’re experimenting with socks or just taking another dose of Nyquil, it’s important to fight your cold when it arrives. Get adequate sleep, drink plenty of fluids, and enjoy some chicken noodle soup. Your body will thank you!

But Does It Work?

Probably not. This remedy surfaced in England before drugs and vaccines eliminated contagious illnesses like diphtheria. While sweating does help rid the body of unwanted bacteria and

... Continued from cover

10) Sort out your sock drawer. If it has holes, is still missing its match, or the elastic went out years ago, toss it, make some space, and feel more organized for having done so. 11) Change up your hairdo . Sometimes a new cut from a new stylist can make you feel like a new person. A risk in the hair department will grow back, and your normal look is still waiting for you in case it all goes wrong. 12) Call people. In such a text- and email-heavy society, our relationships can easily suffer. Make an effort to have an actual conversation sometimes. 13) Write a new to-do list daily. If you do it, great! If you couldn’t get to it all, there’s always a tomorrow list. 14) Don’t start another show series that you won’t finish. It doesn’t really get going until the second season, according to your sister. Don’t put yourself through it. Find something that interests you now!

15) Have a Facebook cull. Don’t be afraid to unfollow that page or friend who fills your page with recipes or quizzes or questionable news articles hourly. Clean it up and feel better already.

16) Floss daily. Okay, I added this to the list. But trust me, it will soon feel good!

I hope you found the above list entertaining, even if you choose not to adopt any of it as your own. I wish each and every one of you all a very happy new year full of health, wellness, and prosperity! –Dr. Jones

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