Design Review Panel A Guide for Applicants & Designers

More than one review? Larger, more complex or sensitive projects usually benefit from more than one design review panel session. For example a first review at the concept stage and another when more detailed designs have been developed. When a project is reviewed more than once we will try to ensure that a majority of the Panel are the same.

For private houses hoping to gain planning permission via paragraph 80 (e) of the NPPF, we usually hold a number of reviews until the Panel are satisfied that the requirements under paragraph 80 (e) have been met.

Design workshops For larger complex sites which are being considered at an early stage , we often undertake design workshops in partnership with the landowners and the local authority. These still make use of our expert Panel but in a more ‘hands-on’ role. Such workshops are useful to develop design principles and objectives for the site, establish a broad framework for the lay-out and strategies for dealing with key opportunities and constraints. A design review panel session might follow a workshop once early designs have emerged.

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