Selecting your account options
SecureLink Ultra 5 offers a diverse lineup of indexed account options and crediting methods. You may allocate your purchase payment in any way you choose among these account options.
Indexed accounts Crediting methods S&P 500® Index
1-Year Point-to-Point with Cap 1-Year Point-to-Point with Term Guarantee Cap 1 1-Year Point-to-Point with Participation Rate 1-Year Performance Trigger 1-Year Inverse Performance Trigger
Barclays All Caps Trailblazer 5 Index
1-Year Point-to-Point with Participation Rate 1-Year Point-to-Point with 2% Spread and Participation Rate
1-Year Point-to-Point with Cap
SG Climate Prepared Index
1-Year Point-to-Point with Participation Rate 1-Year Point-to-Point with 2% Spread and Participation Rate
Fixed Account You may also choose to have some of your purchase payment allocated to the Fixed Account, which is not linked to an index. This account provides the opportunity for your money to grow daily at a steady fixed interest rate. Flexibility to make changes If your financial needs change, or you’d simply like to allocate your money differently, you have the flexibility to make account transfers. You may change your allocation at the end of each account’s crediting period. 2 Rate banding With SecureLink Ultra, a larger purchase payment may be eligible for higher crediting rates. The rate bands are as follows:
Under $100,000
$100,000 - $499,999
$500,000 or greater
Rates are set at the beginning of each crediting period and will not change during that period. 1. Term Guarantee accounts are only available for allocation at contract issue. No transfers may be made into this account after contract issue. 2. Transfers will occur on the contract anniversary and can only be made into accounts that are available for transfer and are at the end of their respective crediting period. No transfers may be made in the middle of a crediting period. A transfer request may be made up to 21 days following the contract anniversary but will be processed as of the anniversary. Transfers will earn the renewal rate for the selected account. The indexes are not available for direct investment. More information on these indexes can be found on page 16.
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