May 2024 E-Newsletter

CWGO: Career Women’s Golf Organization

Save the date for the Yellow Ribbon Classic

The CWGO held a wonderful Spring Kickoff Lunch in April during which members heard about the exciting events planned for this season. That was followed by a friendly Nine-Hole Scramble in chilly but playable conditions, which was won by Emily Graves Odria, Ann Repczynski, Sara Samford and Claudia Cavanaugh, and drinks in Stars and Stripes. Our next event is our Charity tournament on 1 8 May in Fairfax. This event is the CWGO’s annual charity fundraiser in which we raise funds to support those fighting breast cancer at Walter Reed Military Medical Center and Fort Belvoir Community Hospital by providing bags of comfort to women who are beginning treatment. Please click here for sign up and details about the format of the event. Our weekday play days at Arlington (Wednesday) and Fairfax (Thursday) are underway! Please click here to sign up. If you are considering membership and have any questions, please contact Hope to see you out there!

As part of our Centennial Celebration, Army Navy Country Club is reaching out beyond our own fairways to renew our commitment to the annual Yellow Ribbon Fund Golf Classic scheduled for 28 October 2024, at the Arlington course. Whether competing, being a sponsor or volunteer, or joining us to celebrate the day’s achievements at a post-event reception, member involvement will be vital. Over the past 16 years, we’ve helped to raise more than $2.7 million, which has provided housing and transportation to those who bravely serve our nation undergoing medical treatment. Don’t miss this opportunity to forge new connections, honor our military families, and be part of a tradition of generosity at the heart of the Army Navy. Information on how to take part will be announced in the coming weeks. Until then, save the date, commit to the cause, and get ready to be part of history.

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