Blooms & Bites Recipe Book

Sweet Watermelon Tea Sangria

This flavorful black tea is summertime in a glass, over ice. Every sip tastes like a fresh, juicy slice of watermelon on a sunny day! Your customer satisfaction is guaranteed when you serve Simple Sweet Tea - Every Glass, Every Time! Available in 16 filter bags/case Yields 1.5gal/brew Ingredients Item 16137* - 1.5 gal of Sweet Watermelon Tea

Recipe By

Item 33143 - 2 Oranges, sliced Item 30941 - 2 Limes, sliced Item 30824 - 2 Lemons, sliced Additional Fruit by Choice 750 ml Sparkling Red/White Wine Directions

Combine Tea and Wine and pour over prepared fruit. Steep the tea for several hours or overnight. Serve over ice and garnish with fresh watermelon and mint leaves.


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