Blooms & Bites Recipe Book

Fruited Brûlée INGREDIENTS Item 30317 - Non-Stick Cooking Spray Item 30610 - 12 large Egg Yolks Item 19087 - 3/4 cup Whole Milk

Item 37527 - 1.5 qt Highland Market Vanilla Pudding Item 26021 - 3 cups Highland Market Cherry Pie Filling & Fruit Topping Item 40981 - 1/3 cup granulated sugar


1. Preheat conventional oven to 325°F. 2.Spray insides of 24 6-oz. custard cups. Hold.

In small bowl, whisk together egg yolks until smooth. Add milk and whisk until smooth. Stir in vanilla pudding and whisk to mix well. Hold. 3. To Assemble: Portion 2 Tbsp cherry pie filling into the bottom of each prepared custard cup. Portion 1/2 cup of custard mixture on top of fruit. 4. Place custard cups in a single layer in a water bath with very hot water, 3/4 of the way up the sides of the custard cups (use 2 full-sized, shallow hotel pans, 12 custard cups per pan). Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until custard is set and heated through. Remove from oven and cool. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. 5. To Serve: For each serving, sprinkle top of each fruited brulee with 1/2 tsp. sugar and heat top under a broiler or salamander until brown and bubbly. Remove from broiler and let stand until firm. Serve Immediately. 6.


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