Blooms & Bites Recipe Book


STRAWBERRY COULIS Item 31644 - 16 1/4 cups Strawberries, fresh

Item 40981 - 2 1/4 cups Granulated Sugar

MANGO CHUTNEY Item 38917 - 1 1/2 cups Yellow Onion, diced

Item 10190 - 1/2 cup Butter, unsalted

Mango Chutney Pancakes

Item 31293 - 3/4 cup Red Bell Pepper, diced

with strawberry coulis

Item 20964 - 8 cups Mango, fresh & diced


Item 40981 - 2 1/4 cup Granulated Sugar

STRAWBERRY COULIS: Clean and hull strawberries and place them in a food processor. Add sugar and pulse until the mixture is well blended; set aside. MANGO CHUTNEY: S auté onion and butter in a medium saucepan until tender. Add bell peppers, mango, sugar, cinnamon, and vinegar. Cook for 10- 14 minutes or until the chutney starts to thicken. Remove from heat and keep warm. PANCAKES: Mix water and pancake mix in a mixing bowl using a whisk until blended and smooth. Deposit 2 oz of batter onto a lightly greased 375- degree griddle; cook 1 1/2 minutes on each side until pancake turns golden brown and edges begin to dry. FINISHING: Spread 1 oz Mango Chutney down the center of each pancake; fold over and place on serving platter with seam facing down. Serve with 1 oz Strawberry Coulis and 1/2 tsp sprinkle of powdered sugar.

Item 40071 - 1 tbsp. Cinnamon, ground

Item 26229 - 1/2 cup White Vinegar

PANCAKES Item 13924 - 1 box Pillsbury Buttermilk Pancake Mix

10 cups warm water

FINISHING Item 41050 - 2 cups Powdered Sugar


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