Perspective SPRING 2024


STRATEGIC PLANNING IS UNDERWAY In November 2023, University Liggett School launched Our Vision. Our Future . a community-wide strategic planning process that will shape the future of our school. “A school community as remarkable as ours is capable of accomplishing great things,” explained Head of School Tom Sheppard. “The strategic planning process allows us to take a close look at what we believe, why we exist, where we are going, and how we will get there.” Our journey forward is grounded in a 10 month process to reflect upon and reimagine the four foundational elements of the ULS community: Our Core Values: Approved by the Board of Trustees (BOT), January 2024 Our Mission Statement: Approved by the BOT, February 2024 Our Vision: To be approved by the BOT, Spring 2024 Our Strategic Plan: Will be determined and implemented, Fall 2024

Gaining a full understanding of the ULS experience is critical for building a plan for the future. By considering all facets of our operation, we are able to determine how we can best support our students and faculty, how we can create innovative, market-leading programming, and how we might imagine the kinds of facilities that will best support our work in the future. The timing of Our Vision. Our Future . is the result of the convergence of several factors, including the recently completed Independent Schools Associate for the Central States (ISACS) accreditation, the addition of Sheppard as head of school, and the realities of a post-pandemic education “One benefit of doing this work after the pandemic is that it allows us to analyze new patterns, trends, and data to help us better understand our new reality,” said Adam Hellebuyck, Dean of Curriculum and Assessment. With the strategic planning process well underway, ULS is moving forward in a purposeful and positive direction — one that will impact Knights for years to come.

Gaining a full understanding of the ULS experience is critical for building a plan for the future.

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