Dear University Liggett School community,
Welcome to our spring 2024 issue of Perspective . As I write this letter, a future filled with promise for University Liggett School is coming into focus. Recently, we reached an important milestone in Our Vision. Our Future. our 10-month, community-wide strategic planning process, as more than 150 community members came together on April 27 for Community Visioning Day. Thank you to all who could join us for this important day of engagement and reflection from which our vision will emerge. Our new mission, our core values, our vision, and our soon-to-be crafted strategic initiatives will provide focus and clarity of direction for the years ahead. They also create a common language and serve as a finely tuned compass, pointing us forward and enabling us to prioritize our efforts. That clarity in direction is emerging thanks to a spirit of devotion to ULS shared by all and through a sense that we are all part of something much more significant than any one individual. As we move forward, I can confidently say that each day I spend at ULS I am regularly reminded of the many strengths that make our success possible. I also know that the strongest school communities are those whose work is grounded in their mission, core values, vision, and strategic direction. So it will be for us, as we imagine all that is possible on behalf of our students.
Tom Sheppard, Head of School
1045 Cook Road, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 | 313.884.4444
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