OR OTHERWISE) TO ANY PERSON FOR ANY ERROR OR OMISSION IN THE INDEX OR IN THE CALCULATION OF THE INDEX, AND THE INDEX PARTIES ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO ADVISE ANY PERSON OF ANY ERROR THEREIN, OR FOR ANY INTERRUPTION IN THE CALCULATION OF THE INDEX. NO INDEX PARTY SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO ANY PARTY FOR ANY ACT OR FAILURE TO ACT BY THE INDEX PARTIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DETERMINATION, ADJUSTMENT OR MAINTENANCE OF THE INDEX. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, IN NO EVENT SHALL AN INDEX PARTY HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS OR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. No Index Party is a fiduciary or agent of any purchaser, seller or holder of a Fixed Indexed Annuity. None of SG, S&P, Entelligent, or any third party licensor shall have any liability with respect to the Fixed Indexed Annuity in which an interest crediting option is based is on the Index, nor for any loss relating to the Fixed Indexed Annuity, whether arising directly or indirectly from the use of the Index, its methodology, any SG Mark, Entelligent Mark or otherwise. Obligations to make payments under the Fixed Indexed Annuities are solely the obligation of Investors Heritage. In calculating the performance of the Index, SG deducts a maintenance fee of 0.50% per annum on changes in the level of the Index, and fixed transaction and replication costs, each calculated and deducted on a daily basis. Replication costs also are deducted from a constituent of the Index. The transaction and replication costs cover, among other things, rebalancing and replication costs. The total amount of transaction and replication costs is not predictable and will depend on a number of factors, including the leverage of the Index, which may be as high as 175%, the performance of the indices underlying the Index, and the performance of the individual stocks and futures contracts included in such underlying indices, among other factors. These fees and costs, which are increased by the Index’s leverage, will reduce the potential positive changes in the Index and increase the potential negative changes in the Index. While the volatility control applied by SG may result in less fluctuation in rates of return as compared to indices without volatility controls, it may also reduce the overall rate of return as compared to products not subject to volatility controls. MORGAN STANLEY DYNAMIC US EQUITIES INDEX (THE “INDEX”) IS THE PROPERTY OF MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC. ANY PRODUCT THAT IS LINKED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THE INDEX IS NOT SPONSORED, ENDORSED, SOLD OR PROMOTED BY MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC, OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES (COLLECTIVELY, “MORGAN STANLEY”). NEITHER MORGAN STANLEY NOR ANY OTHER PARTY (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY CALCULATION AGENTS OR DATA PROVIDERS) MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ADVISABILITY OF PURCHASING ANY PRODUCT LINKED TO THIS INDEX. IN NO EVENT SHALL MORGAN STANLEY HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE INDEX IS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF MORGAN STANLEY. MORGAN STANLEY AND THE INDEX ARE SERVICE MARKS OF MORGAN STANLEY AND HAVE BEEN LICENSED FOR USE FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES BY INVESTORS HERITAGE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (“LICENSEE”). NEITHER MORGAN STANLEY NOR ANY OTHER PARTY HAS OR WILL HAVE ANY OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY TO OWNERS OF THIS PRODUCT IN CONNECTION WITH THE ADMINISTRATION OR MARKETING OF THIS PRODUCT, AND NEITHER MORGAN STANLEY NOR ANY OTHER PARTY GUARANTEES THE ACCURACY AND/OR THE COMPLETENESS OF THE INDEX OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN. No purchaser, seller or holder of this product, or any other person or entity, should use or refer to any Morgan Stanley trade name, trademark or service mark to sponsor, endorse, market or promote this product, without first contacting Morgan Stanley to determine whether Morgan Stanley’s permission is required. Under no circumstances may any person or entity claim any affiliation with Morgan Stanley without the prior written permission of Morgan Stanley. The Index includes a variable index deduction mechanism that scales upward based on positive performance of the Index. Such index deduction is applied when calculating the level of the Index and will thus reduce the return of the Index and any product linked to the Index. The Index applies a bespoke volatility control mechanism to identify changing market conditions using intraday data, and stabilize the overall level of risk of the Index. The volatility control calculation applied
by Morgan Stanley as part of the Index’s methodology may decrease the Index’s performance and thus the return of any product linked to the Index. In addition, because the volatility control calculation is expected to reduce the overall volatility of the Index, it will also reduce the cost of hedging certain products linked to the Index. Morgan Stanley may transact derivative transactions linked to the Index. Potential purchasers of products linked to this Index should refer to the full offering document for important information concerning such products, including the related risk factors and determine their own appraisal of the risks and suitability of such products. NOTE ON SIMULATED RETURNS: Back-testing and other statistical analyses provided herein use simulated analysis and hypothetical circumstances to estimate how the Index may have performed between April 2, 2007 to May 27, 2022, prior to its actual existence. The results obtained from such “back- testing” should not be considered indicative of the actual results that might be obtained from an investment or a product linked to the Index. The actual performance of the Index may vary significantly from the results obtained from back-testing. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results are achieved by means of the retroactive application of a back-tested model itself designed with the benefit of hindsight and knowledge of factors that may have possibly affected its performance. Morgan Stanley provides no assurance or guarantee that any product linked to the Index will operate or would have operated in the past in a manner consistent with these materials. Calculation based on simulated performance is purely hypothetical and may not be an accurate or meaningful comparison. Past performance (actual or simulated) is not necessarily indicative of future results. Risk Factors: The level of the Index can go down. The Index components are exposed to various risks and their market price may be influenced by many unpredictable factors. There are also risks associated with the construction of the variable index deduction factor. The Index contains a variable index deduction factor. The Index includes a variable index deduction mechanism that scales upward based on positive recent performance of the Index, up to a maximum of 0.20% per business day. Such index deduction is applied when calculating the level of the Index and will thus reduce the return of the Index. Over the following period April 2, 2007 – May 31, 2022, the average daily variable deduction factor has been 0.025%. The Index nor any of the components comprising the Index are guaranteed to yield specific results. There can be no assurance that the Index will be successful. There are risks relating to the volatility target mechanism. The Index’s volatility target mechanism is applied to target an overall level of realized volatility equal to 15% but the realized volatility may be less than or greater than 15% and the volatility target may adversely affect Index performance. The Index may have greater than 100% exposure (up to 200% to the various Index components at any time as a result of the volatility target mechanism, which may exacerbate losses and subsequent deleveraging may increase the time taken to recover from a drawdown event. There are risks associated with leverage. The Index rules contemplate the possibility of leverage within the Index to achieve the 15% volatility target, which is expected to magnify declines. The Index has limited history. The Index was established on May 31, 2022 and therefore has a very limited history. Any investment in an instrument linked to the Index may involve greater risk than an investment linked to an index with longer actual historical performance and a proven track record. Any performance prior to the establishment of the Index has been retrospectively simulated by Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC and is subject to significant limitations, Past performance (actual or simulated) is never a guarantee of future performance. The Index has embedded costs, including, but not limited to, transaction, futures roll and margin costs. The return of such component and, as a result, the return of the Index will be lower than if there were no associated costs. Investing in an instrument linked to the Index is not equivalent to investing in any underlying instrument linked to S&P 500 Index or ETFs. There is no actual portfolio of assets to which any person who purchases a product linked to the Index is entitled or has any ownership interest in. Investors in an instrument linked to the Index will not have rights to the underlying futures contracts. Prior to purchasing any products linked to (or based on) the Index, investors and consumers should seek independent financial, tax, accounting and legal advice. Index may be impacted by extraordinary or disruption events.
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