16B — November 24 - December 7, 2017 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
G reen B uildings
By George Crawford, Green Partners Benchmarking Requirements Heads Up
YC Loca l Law 84 Benchmarking filing requirements have
50,000 sf and above. Now with the combination of these two Local Laws, the covered build- ings platform has expanded substantially. Filings must be made by May 1st of each year (starting May 1 2018 for the mid-sized buildings). Bench- marking scores range from 1 – 100. Higher scores indicate higher levels of energy effi- ciency and lower scores, lower levels of efficiency. A Bench- marking score of 50 represents the median level of energy consumption for buildings na- tionwide. In NYC, the median score is somewhat higher – in
the 60 range. If your building has a below average Benchmarking score, you would be well advised to take action, because low scores equal lost profits. But before you jump into the “fix it fast mode”, try and quantify your risk/reward equation. You want to make sure that the cost of the fix meets the eco- nomic smell test. One approach would be to add up your annual oil/gas bills along with your electric bills. Then take 10% or 15% of the combined total to quantify the potential savings that could be achieved. Most
buildings can save between 20% to 35% in energy costs, so targeting energy savings in the 10% to 15% range is real- istic. From this total you could develop your budget to engage an engineer to perform a “tar- geted” energy assessment, focusing on your largest areas of energy expense – lighting and heating. Remember that with today’s technology, lit- erally every system in every building that consumes energy can be upgraded with a more energy efficient replacement. The issue is to prioritize these potential measures, so that you
start with the best payback with the highest economic re- turn and then work from there. A good example of a potential measure with one of the best paybacks is LED lighting. Be- cause LED lighting products have dramatically lower levels of electric consumption, as compared to incandescent or fluorescent products that they are designed to replace, the average investment payback is in the two to three year range. Rarely will you find a LED upgrade project that exceeds a three year payback. These compelling returns are backed by 5 year readily available manufacturers warranties. These warranties in effect guarantee the financial success of your LED upgrade, which in turn will improve your Bench- marking score. Considering the City’s over- all Energy Savings Goals, this Benchmarking expan- sion should not come as any surprise. The larger platform of covered buildings, which now includes thousands of smaller buildings, is designed to increase energy consump- tion awareness for as large a population of buildings as possible. The “hoped for” result is that buildings with scores under the median will be mo- tivated to improve efficiencies. Improved efficiencies result in improved bottom lines. The original Green House Gas reduction goal set under PlaNYC was 30% by 2030. Then a new more ambitious Green House Gas goal of an 80% reduction by 2050 from 2005 levels was established. Realistically, the new Green House Gas reduction goal of 80% is not going to “just” hap- pen without a push to ramp up the pace for more Green House Gas reductions. All covered buildings are required to file by May 1st an- nually. Failure to file will re- sult in a $500 fine. Continued failure to file will result in an additional $500 fine for every three months thereafter - with an annual cap of $2,000. If a first year mid-sized building is unable to file in time, they may contact the NYC Bench- marking Help Center 60 days or more before May 1st and re- quest a 60 day filing extension. For the thousands of newly covered buildings in the 25,000 sf to 50,000 sf range, the ex- pansion of energy conservation continued on page 29B
now been ex- panded - ef- fective Janu- ary 1, 2018 with the ad- dition of Lo- cal Law 133. The combina- tion of LL 84 and LL 133
George Crawford
now require covered buildings that are 25,000 sf and larger to comply with Benchmarking filing requirements. Formerly LL 84 only covered buildings
HowWould You Like To Receive LED Energy Savings Like This?
Cost of LED Product Installed - $56,600.00 Annual kWh Savings 78,132 Annual Savings (based on .24 rate) - $18,751.00 Return On Investment - 2.7 years LED Products Carry a 7-10 Year Warranty
LED Product: With recent advancements, the "one for one" lamp replacement - an incandescent A19 lamp replaced by a LED A19 lamp of lower wattage is old news. "The smart move is to utilize the latest LED "engines" such as TerraLUX. The advantages are 1) Less labor and material costs, 2) Faster payback because there will be more energy saved, and 3) A longer useful product life – 70,000 hours with a 7 year warranty. LED Retro-Fit Payback Timelines: If your LED Retro-Fit will include the replacement of both incandescents and fluorescents, the combination of the energy savings and the funding will result in a payback of about two year’s time.
954 Lexington Avenue * Suite 320 * NewYork, NY 10021 For More Information Visit www.GreenPartnersNY.com or Contact George Crawford, Principal at gcrawford@greenpartnersny.com
To Get Your Project Started, Contact Us Today For A FREE LED RETRO-FIT FEASIBILITY STUDY CALL TOLL FREE 800-595-1094
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