Biola Broadcaster - 1970-02

tion truly believe in Jesus Christ. It is the body and bride of Christ which He loves and for which Christ has given HimSelf. (13) There is a personal devil, a being of great cunning and power. He is called, “the prince of the pow­ er of the air,” “the prince of this world,” “the god of this age.” He can exert vast power only so far as God allows him to do so. He ulti­ mately shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone and shall be tor­ mented day and night, forever. Personally, this statement thrills my heart every time I read it. Biola is not rethinking these truths. Our conviction is that we should be re­ affirming them. During the course of a student’s studies here, before graduation, he will have studied every one of them in detail. They are included in the 30 units of Bible and doctrine each student takes, re­ gardless of his major field of study. Because of the intensive study in God’s Word and the disciplines prac­ ticed here, we do not knowingly al­ low young people to enroll who are not professing Christians. Biola is

not a spiritual incubator nor even a spiritual nursery. We want to en­ roll Christians as mature and dedi­ cated as possible, for they are the ones who will realize the greatest blessing and benefit at this great school of the prophets. I t is true that many other schools throughout the country have started with the same high and holy pur­ pose. It is sad to see that some of these institutions of higher learning long since have departed from the faith because administrators and faculty members were allowed to come in who were not convinced of such a necessity for doctrinal dis­ tinctives and a rigid adherence to them. We are profoundly thankful to God that in His providence He has kept this school true to the faith even after more than 60 years of its dis­ tinguished history. Now, more than ever, we covet your prayers that the school will ever remain thus; that the students who come here will be led of the Lord that they may receive their education and go out to all parts of the world as His witnesses as the Lord Himself directs them.

Currently under construction at Biola College is a men’s residence hall. Located at the southern part of the Campus, the facility is scheduled for completion thissummer. 10

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