Biola Broadcaster - 1970-02

came to earth. Yet this verse seems to indicate that part of the Second Person of the Trinity was also in heaven.” A. This portion of the Word refers to an ascension unlike that experi­ enced by Enoch or Elijah. This was accomplished under Christ’s own power, authority, and majesty. It isn’t true of any other person. In referring to the Saviour laying aside His glory, this has nothing to do with a divestment of His deity. Philippians 2:5-11 gives us a very majestic picture of this. It was the entire Person of the Son who came. He set aside no essential part of His glory. He was all God but He was also altogether man. He was perfect God-Man. Deity cannot be confined to the earth or heaven. Be­ cause of this, our Lord is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. With our finite minds we cannot compre­ hend this anymore than we can ex­ plain that He’s seated at the right hand of God as well as dwelling in our hearts by faith. Christ is a di­ vine Person. He can choose to be in one place residentially but He is po­ tentially everywhere at one time. Q. Providence, R.l. — “Someone asked me how the Bible can declare the Jews to be God’s chosen people while at the same time asserting that He is no respecter of persons. Isn’t this a contradiction? A. This is a good reason for the dispensational teaching as given to

Q. Phoenix, Ariz__ “I heard a preach­ er say that there aren’t any children or babies in heaven. Is this true? Also, are the horses referred to in II Kings 6:17 real? I didn’t know there would be animals in heaven.” A. There is no specific scripture which tells us that there are babies in heaven. We believe that children who die before the age of accounta­ bility do go to heaven. While a baby may be beautiful, its strength comes through maturity. The Bible does tell us that when we receive our resur­ rection bodies, they will be fash­ ioned like unto His glorious body. Many theologians teach that through­ out eternity we will be in the very prime of adulthood which was His at 33 when our Saviour was cruci­ fied. We shall know, even as also we are known. How wonderful to con­ template that everyone in glory will be at full maturity! In answer to your second ques­ tion, horses, as we know them here, certainly will not exist in heaven. This scene was a very special reve­ lation from God in answer to Elisha’s prayer. This was a testimony to the power of God in the prophet’s life. It is similar to the account of Jonah and the large fish which God specif­ ically prepared. Be assured, we won’t need horses to ride around on in heaven! They referred to angels as they do in the book of Revelation. Q. Kansas City, Mo. — “John 8:13 confuses me. I always thought that Christ laid aside His glory when He 16

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