Biola Broadcaster - 1970-02

cannot but result in condemnation, penalty and pain. While under such displeasure, doomed to wrath, the di­ vine grace of God found them, and gave them new life in Christ. Christ actually died through crucifixion. He was buried, and for three days His lifeless body lay in Joseph’s rock- hewn tomb. Even so, once we were dead, separated from holiness, puri­ ty and God, held under the power of the world, the flesh, and the devil. This spiritual death was due to our trespasses and sins. In Christ, actu­ ally raised from the dead, we find that in Him you and I are both posi­ tionally and spiritually raised from spiritual death to live in newness of life. This is a part of the glorious in­ heritance for all who put their faith in Jesus Christ. C hapter S even W HEN WRITING this epistle to the Ephesians, Paul was a pris­ oner in Rome. Paul’s presentation of the past, present, and future was accurate in every respect because it was God-inspired. In Ephesians 2:1- 3, Paul reminds the Christians of

tians, Jews and Gentiles alike, before their conversion, had been living in sinful opposition to the will of God. This is true of all of us. The word lust denotes the craving for that which is particularly wrong. Flesh signifies man’s lower nature. These cravings arose from thoughts and perverted imaginations. If we as believers are going to be a real tes­ timony for the Lord, we cannot con­ tinue living after the manner of the world. There must be a difference. In Ephesians 2:3, Paul acknowl­ edges that even in the case of the Jewish people, their course of life once had been determined by these desires of the flesh and mind. Wheth­ er a man is a Jew or a Gentile makes no difference to God. We all have sinned. This is why Jesus Christ had to come into the world. He died on the cross that by giving up His life, He might take your place of punish­ ment, receiving the judgment of God upon Himself. God has established laws for the happiness of men. He has created human beings for fel­ lowship with Himself. Disobedience to His laws and enmity against Him

Biola leaders and the 1970 Torrey Conference speakers included (left to right) Or. S. H. Sutherland, Dr. James B. Crichton, Dr. Lehman Strauss, Mr. Harold Penrose, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Paul VanGorder, Dr. John Haggai, Dr. Henry Morris, Ik. Ralph Keiper, Dr. John Walvoord, Dr. Howard Hendricks, Dr. John Moore, Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost, Dr. J. Richard Chase, Dr. Dick Hillis, Mr. Bob Harrison, Dr. Bruce Dunn, Dr. Richard Strauss.


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