Biola Broadcaster - 1970-02

cannot be earned and it is not de­ served. As a result, Ephesians 2:10 re­ minds us that “We are His work­ manship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” Man can take no credit for his standing in Christ. God’s purpose for us is that we might do good works in keeping with His eternal plan. Our Lord has a wonderful plan of life and service for those who have come to peace- terms with Him at the cross. Again in Ephesians 2:11-13, we are reminded of the past position of the believer. First, we were Gentiles in the flesh, born outside of Israel and hence, heathen. Second, we are called uncircumcision. This was a name of c on t emp t and derision. Third, we are without Christ and so without a claim on the Messiah. Fourth, we were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel. We had no right of citizenship among God’s people. Fifth, we were strangers from the covenants of promise. As foreigners, we had no claim on either the Messianic or the Abrahamic cove­ nants. Sixth, we have no Messianic hope for the future. Seventh, we were ungodly. Eighth, we were far off with no relationship to God. What an indictment to be under! All of these things are true of every man, woman, boy, or girl who does not know Jesus Christ as personal Sav­ iour. Our present spiritual position in Christ begins at verse 13. Even though we have no covenant rela­ tionship to God, we are brought near to Him because of what He did for us through His own precious blood. The Jews enjoyed a covenant rela­ tionship to God. Paul says that through salvation all Gentiles who placed their trust in Christ were made nearer than the Jews who were unsaved. This nearness came not by external rights but by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Only in the Saviour can the wall of sin be re-

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