King's Business - 1942-09



Official Organ o( THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. Incorporated

Æ h t i ù t

s n a i l g i ve t h e e l ight (Eph. 5:14)

A Bargain

Photograph by U. S. Army Signal Corps IN COMING ISSUES: “ How to Pray for Nations” . . . “Christians’ Attitude Toward the Seven-Day Week” . . . “The Missing Note of Repentance” . . . “Where Soldiers See Prayer Answered” (1,500 of them in one day could give answer) . . . “What Is There Left to be Thankful For?” (Answers from bombed cities, gold-star homes, concentration camps).

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Worth Talking About! You pay more for most things today than you paid a year ago. .'. . You do not pay more for THE KING’S BUSINESS. . . It is the same in size, in stimulating con­ tent, in low price as it was a year ago. In spite of mount­ ing costs that have required almost every other periodical to advance in price, THE KING’S BUSINESS — as a service to thè Lord’s people — is continuing its remarkably ) low rate:

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Are you glad about this? Will you encourage the pub­ lishers in the position they have taken by iptroducing this magazine to large numbers of your friends? In every page, it is true to the Lord Jesus Christ. I t ,carries a message of courage, hope, and divine assurance. People want it. You can easily become a Group Organizer, earning substantial commissions and valuable book premiums through the sub­ scriptions you send in. .Why not write for full information . *25 cents additional for each Canadian or foreign subscription. ' .. 4 Spread the Good News—And Increase Your Earnings, Too today?


THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

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September, 1942





It shall be opened unto you

Biola is a Bjhie-centered school dedi­ cated to the task of training yo.uth that each may take his God-appointed plade, taught in the Word. (Send for Catalogue)

To Be . . . Established in the Faith Directed in God's Will Trained in the Work

. . . from every part of the land to THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Incorporated 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, California

September, 1942



The King's Bus iness Volume XXXIII September, 1942 Number 9 The True~to-the-Bible Family Magazine

The Scroll of the Law

M otto: “Unto h im that loved us, and w ashed us fro m our sin s in his ow n blood”] (Rev. 1:5)*


Cover Photograph by Harold M. Lambert

Ransom D. Marvin, Staff Artist Around the King’s-. Tablfe —Louis T . Talbot .... ............................ .............. .. 324 Significance of the News —Dan Gilbert.... ...................... ............. ......... . 325 England’s Churches During W ar — Robert W , Hambrook ........................ 326 In View of Christ’s Coming —Herbert Lockyer.......... ........................... ....... 328 The Tragedy Behind Darwin’s Bombing— F. W . George Hall ............. 329 Other Tongues at Biola — William Sedat ................................................. . 330 Judy’s Lighted Steps..... ............ ................ ........................................................ 333 - Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker ................................................. 335 International—Lesson Commentary.................... .'.......... . ................................... 337 Notes on Christian Endeavor —Wilbert A. Regier, Mrs. R . E. Neighbour, and Gene W . Fussell......t. ............................ .............................. 347 Daily Devotional Readings........................ .............................................. .......... 352 Bible Institute Family Circle............................ ............................................... . 358 Our Literature' Table.........................i........ ...............................j.................... 359 SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: "T he K in g ’s B u sin ess" is p u b lish ed m on th ly , $1.00—one y ear; $1.50—tw o y e a rs, 50 cen ts—six m o n th s; 10 cen ts—sin g le copy. C lubs of th ie e or m ore a t special rates. W rite fo r details. C anadian an d fo reig n su b scrip tio n s 25 cen ts ex tra; I t req u ires one m onth fo r a ch an g e of ad d ress to becom e’ effective. P lease send both old a n d 'n e w ad d resses. S REM ITTANCE—P ay ab le in advance, should be m ade by b an k d ra ft, ex p ress or post office m oney o rd er p ay ab le to ‘‘T he K in g ’s B usiness." D ate of ex p iratio n w ill show p lain ly each m onth on o u tsid e w rapper or c o v er of m agazine. - ADVERTISING—F o r in fo rm atio n w ith refe ren ce to a d v e rtisin g ih "T he K in g ’s B u sin ess,” ad d ress th e A d v ertisin g M anager, 558 S outh H ope S treet, Los A ngeles, Calif., or o u r e a ste rn re p re se n ta tiv e . R eligious P re ss A ssociation,- 51 No. 52nd St., P h ilad elp h ia, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS— "T he K in g ’s B usiness" can n o t accep t resp o n sib ility fo r loss o r d am ag e to m an u scrip ts se n t to it fo r co nsideration. E n te red as seco n d -class m a tte r N o v em b er'"7, 1938, a t th e p o st office a t Los A ngeles, C alifornia, u n d er th e Act of M arch 3, 1879. A cceptance fo r m ailin g a t special ra te of p o sta g e pro v id ed fo r in th e A ct of F e b ru a ry 28, 1925, em bodied in p a ra g ra p h 4, sectio n 538, P. L. an d R„ au th o rized O ctober 1, 1918, • and N ovem ber 13, 1938. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street • Log Angeles, ^California The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES. Inc. L O U IS T . T A L B O T M IL D H E D M . C O O K E d ito r - I ll- C h ip i M an ag in g - E ilito r INFORMATION FOR SUBSCRIBERS

The Scroll is the most Sacred thing in the Jewish Synagogue. Christ read His introductory message from the scroll in the Synagogue. Every Bible Student ought to have one of these miniature scrolls. O u r O ffe r We want you to read The Chosen People, edited by Joseph Hoffman tjohn, son-of the late ExRabbi Leo­ pold Cohn, and considered by many Bible students the most helpful paper on prophecy and the Jew published in America. It gives you inspiring reports of the world-wide activities of the American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. Also, we want you to read the life story of ExKabbi. Leopold Cohn, written by himself in a six­ ty-page booklet—one of the most thrilling stories you have ever read. Jews are really accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. The price of the Scroll is 50 cents, and The Chosen People is 50" cents a year. Mr. Cohn’s autobiog­ raphy is 30 cents. Send us $1 and we will mail you ALL and enter your name for a year’s subscrip­ tion for The Chosen People; If not satisfied we’ll return your money without a question. And may we remind you also of the continuous need of our Mis­ sionary undertakings. Our work merits your e v e r y confidence. It is a program of world-wide Gos­ pel testimony to the Jews. Your fellowship in prayer and gift is always welcomed and appreciated. The Chosen People is of course

sent to all contributors. American Board of

Missions to the Jews, Inc. 3 1 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, H. Y.

September, 1942

THE K I NG ’S BUS I NESS Around the King's Table LOUIS T. TALBOT, Edilor-in-Chief


Listen In! The daily Bible teaching ministry of Louis T. Talbot, President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is to be extended to reach many new friends. BEGINNING AUGUST 1 7 - Time: 11 ,to 11:30 A. M., Monday ■^ through Saturday. Station: KMPC (710 kilocycles). The use of this 10,000-watt Bev­ erly Hills station is important for two reasons. It gives tenfold ad- ditiondi power over, that which has been used for these bróad- ■ casts heretofore, and. it identifies Or. Talbot's program with the key station in a new and far-reaching' . network. It is hoped that stations in . Fresno, Portland, and Seattle may be added later. BEGINNING AUGUST 2 4 - Time: 11:15 to 11:45 A. M., Monday through Saturday. Station: KROW (960 kilocycles). This program will be an exact re,- production of the one given earlier over KMPC. CONTINUING— Time: 9 to 9:30 P. M., Monday through Friday. Station: KPAS (1110 kilocycles). All of these broadcasts are exposi­ tory, practical, and challenging. They • make the Word of God real to the layman. Please ask your friends in the localities reached by. the stations named to share in the blessing of this Christ-honoring ministry. Whom Shall I Ask for in November? We Christians accept procrastina­ tion—our own and other people’s— without much lament. When we are dealifig with an individual who shows a disposition to put off the acceptance of Christ-as. Saviour, often we do not press the point. f Every “salesman of the gospel’’ .should take a lesson from the insur-’ ance representative »mentioned in The Advertiser's 'Digest: “An insurance salesman was on the point of writing a $25,000 pol­ icy. The prospect said he recog­ nized the need, meant to buy the insurance, but was inclined to , wait a while. ‘Later, later,’ he said. ‘Come back in November.’ . I “The insurance man’s hand was , on the doorknob. As he was leav­ ing, he spun around and asked: ’"Whom shall I ask for if you are not here in November?' . “The prospect got the point. It hit him squarely in the heart of a Many of the men and women and boys and girls with whom we talk today will not be “here in Novem­ ber.” Now is the time to win them jfor Christ. very strong complex. . . . ’■“ ‘Sit down,’ he said.” *

and ‘When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder.’ Gene, gives God all the praise and credit for saving, them, and he is so thankful that He gave him the strength and cour­ age to endure.” )

“ God Heard the Voice of the Lad" Gene Aldrich, Naval Radioman, and his two companions who were' forced to spend thirty-four days in the Pa­ cific oh a rubber raft the size of a bed, have been hailed national heroes. Their story of being .for over a month without supplies of food or water or navigating instruments has appeared in various,, publications and has been heard over the radio. The mother, of one of the sailors, Mrs. Ada Aldrich, objected to the wording of the ac­ count appearing' in a secular publi­ cation, and wrote a letter to the editor. Among other things she said: “It was the ‘Aldrjch lad’ that led that littlU band in the Lord’s Prayer (even though Dixon was old enough to be his father), and every evening, thereafter they held prayer services . . . 'He is the'’ first I have read about who gives God eredit and first place, and that’s news.” , THE KING’S BUSINESS wrote to Mrs. Aldrich, asking her to tell more about her son’s faith in God, and about her own. Following are excerpts from her letter. She is the mother of nine children and lives in Sikes- ton, Mo. (population about 8,000). She. wrote to THE KING’S BUSINESS: “We have always lived in very humble circumstances. We know ‘ wha,t sacrifice means. And last but not least,.we wish to ido that which God would have us- do al­ ways . . . The last ‘fourteen days of the boys’ voyage they had nothing to eat. Even in. those try­ ing days, when all seemed hope­ less, Gene raised his pleading eyes to God and in a weak but humbie voice said, ‘Lord, if. it be Thy will for me-to starve to death,- I’m willing;. Thy will be done.’ Then when two 'mighty waves washed him at last upon the coral reef which surrounded the little islet where theylanded and found a haven of res.t, he raised his hand to heaven and thanked God for saving him, and prayed Him to give his t.w o companions strength to make it safely to shore . . . Gene saw miracles performed one whole month. His favorite • Scripture is Psalm 23. Their pray­ er services were held about sun­ set daily. They tried to sing ‘Nearer My Qpd to Thee,’ ‘The Little Brown Church in the Vale,’

Sixty years ago,, in September, 1882, the Knights of Labor held their gen­ eral assembly in New York City, and. on September 5 a great parade was organized by the Central Labor Union of that city. In 1884, a resolution was adopted whereby the first Monday in September should be considered Labor Day, and steps were taken to have it recognized as a holiday. Labor Day, 1942, probably will be the occasion for increased emphasis upon' the fact of the importance of labor’s part in the present national emergency. Editors and public speak­ ers have pointed out the almost un­ precedented goals attained by the wo'rking people. - For example, War Production Chief Donald M. Nelson told the nation on July 25 that the country’s general output of planes, tanks, ships, guns, ammunition, and all campaign equipment was almost tripled over the production of last No­ vember. And yet he added: “I want to impress again and again that the picture is in no sense one that provides a basis for undue optimism . . . too much boasting is altogether premature.” It is the same truth, whether it re­ lates to industrial production or to personal salvation: It is a dangerous thing to rest on one’s own achieve­ ments. Complacent trust in personal goodness may even be a fatal atti­ tude. It is not a fact that men like to hear, but it is God’s truth never­ theless that it is "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us” (Titus 3:5). “He that glorieth, let him glory In the Lord1* (1 Cor. 1:31),

September, 1942

THE KI NG ' S BUS I NESS ignificance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C„ and San Diego, California


A FAITH FOR TOMORROW—AND FOR TODAY: • A faith suited to the modern crisis must be neither r e a c t i o n a r y nor visionary. It must see the past, the present, and the future in integrated relationship. It is In the Word of God that these three aspects of time are set forth in proper relationship and importance. And in the Word is the basis for this necessary faith. It must see not only the man, Jesus, who walked on earth nineteen cen­ turies ago; it must see also the living Lord Jesus Christ, who sits today at the Father’s throne in heaven; and it must see also the living Christ who will come in the clouds tomorrow. No man knows when Christ will return. But His coming- is imminent. His com­ ing draweth nigh. It may not be to­ morrow—it may be today! A faith confined to the future is not a faith which is good for the present. We live today. The faith we hold is one which we possess today. No mat­ ter how much we may dream of days gone by or of days to come, our eyes are fixed, our lives are lived, within the circle of this present. Unless Christ’s coming is a possibility, for which we hope and pray, within this living present, then its meaning for men today is necessarily diminished. Death is not the goal of human life. There will be life on earth when Christ comes again, and we are preparing for His coming today. "By a Friend" How often do we find that sensitive­ ness to spiritual values increases when one is -forced to suffer personal priva­ tions! THE KING'S BUSINESS office recently witnessed a beautiful demon­ stration of this fact when a letter was received from a Christian of Japanese descent living at a distance from Los Angeles, and enclosing a money order for $40.50. The letter began: "Kindly e n t e r two-year subscriptions to THE KING'S BUSINESS magazine for the following persons"—and there followed a long list of names and addresses, most of them representing Japanese and Kor­ eans. On the list also were six U. S. O. centers and one public library. "A large number of these persons have paid for their subscriptions," the writer explained, "but should any in­ quiry be made as to the donor, kindly withhold my name, and simply say, 'By a friend'.” May God bless this brother for his generosity and use his subscriptions tq THE KING'S BUSINESS in a special way for the exalting of Jesus Christ among those to whom they are sent.

EMPHASIS ON THE FUTURE: • An amazing change has taken place in the psychology and philoso­ phy of the American people. The cen­ ter of their thinking has shifted from the present to the future. Until this change occurred, the twentieth cen­ tury was strongly characterized by a concentration upon the living present. Generally speaking, the American slogan was “Look out for today—let tomorrow take care of itself.” Huge debts were deliberately piled up with no thought as to how they would be paid. Momentary pleasure was the goal of multitudes., During the past year, this attitude has largely been broken down. The future, once again, is considered and contemplated on an equality with the present. The general public has been made to recognize .that winning thè peace is as important as winning the war. The post-war period—the future —looms large in the public mind. A FAITH FOR THE FUTURE: • The times call for a faith which in­ cludes the future in its perspective. A faith which is not forward-looking cannot answer the needs of the twen­ tieth century. Any faith which does not include belief in our Lord’s re­ turn must take comfort in the past, not in the future. For the true believer, there is no disheartening, no reactionary absorp­ tion with things past. The events of the Lord Jesus’ life on earth are not a n c i e n t history. They are living events. The march of history has now carried us nearly two thousand years from the- days when He walked on earth. But it has carried us nearly two thousand years closer to the day when He will again be among us. Christ is not only behind and above history, but ahead of it. No matter which.way it moves, no matter from what angle we view it, He is its center. Many' commentators bemoan and bewail the direction in which histori­ cal currents are apparently carrying us. But, in reality,'history cannot lead anywhere except to Christ’s return. Even the seeming setbacks which the cause of truth and righteousness have been sustaining upon the battlefield— even these serve but to carry us nearer to the time of the triumph of right­ eousness through the coming of the Lord Himself.

THE RELATIONSHIP OF PAST, PRES­ ENT, AND FUTURE: • Balanced thinking and sane living •depend upon maintaining a proper balance between the past, the present, and the future. “Where there is no vision, the peo­ ple perish.” Edmund Burke said that society is a sacred contract between the past, the present, and the future. In accord­ ance with this view, progress, in the larger sense, is a result of a proper and proportionate emphasis >on the accumulated wisdom of the past, the urgent needs of the present, and the long-range requirements of the future. .A society which forgets the lessons of the past will fall back into ancient error and old mistakes. A society which thinks only of the present, and forgets the future, will qommit suicide by its own shortsightedness. And a society which looks only to the future, and ignores the needs of the present, is not likely to have a future! If we spend all our time thinking and plan­ ning for the winning of the peace, we may neglect to win the war, in the meantime! An adequate and enduring faith must be anchored in the past. But it must live in the present. "And it must look forward into the future. That is the kind of faith which fundamental Christians have. They look backward to an empty tomb, and upward to a risen and reigning Christ, and forward to a Christ who is coming again. This faith is not only modern in the sense that it provides salvation and leadership for the present; it is also progressive in the sense that it is moving forward toward the second coming of Christ, the most glorious vision that ever arched and glorified the horizon of man’s future on earth. True Christians, unlike the mis­ called “modernists,” are not looking back regretfully to a Jesus who once walked on earth but is now gone for­ ever. They do not spend their time trying to “modernize” His ancient teachings, trying to bring them up-to- date. For the Jesus Christ of the true believer belongs to no single era. He is the same today as yesterday, and will be the same tomorrow. His mes­ sage to men is undated. It is eternal in its aptness and applicability.

September, 1942


St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, standing among ruinf .

Englands Churches During War

By ROBERT W . HAMBROOK Washington, D. C. ■

K HILE IN ENGLAND for four months last year on official b u s i n e s s for the United privilege of observing much that had rio concern with my official work. The war has, of course, left its im­ print on every phase of life. -Even though some areas have been un­ touched by raids, every individual in England has been affected by ration­ ing, by limitations of significant ma­ terials, and by the urgency of doing everything possible for winning the war. * Germany has sought to destroy Brit­ ish morale by bombing objectives of sentimental, cultural, social, and re­ ligious significance. Consequently there have been heavy bombings of hospitals, slum areas, downtown loca­ tions, and churches. Little damage has been done to industrial areas. In one major city alone, when I left a year ago, there was not one Church of England church that had not been damaged sufficiently to prevent its úse. It is obvious that many buildings of historical significance have either been completely destroyed, damaged beyond repair, or made unusable for the time being. .Not only church buildings but also' church congregations in England are

changed from their business suits into fire watchers’ clothing. A prelimi­ nary period Was spent as usual in ap­ propriate drill to meet possible raid situations. Bombs have been d r o p p e d all around the locality, and the Cathedral has been hit twice, once by a bomb which came down on the altar and did some damage, requiring the re­ placing of a few stones in the roof structure. Practically no glass remains in the windows, and some parts of the outside walls are scarred by bomb fragments. On a certain night in April when London was blitzed widely and heav­ ily and fires burned in all directions, a small bomb struck the roof structure of one of the wings. It produced a small hole in the roof, knocked down the brick ceiling beneath and burst b e f o r e it reached the main floor, leaving bomb splinter marks on the walls. The ceiling material crashed to the floor and made a large hole in the floor, perhaps fifteen feet IH diameter, into the room below, which was used as a dressing room where fire Watchers changed their clothes. Some one usually occupied this room, which had telephone connections to headquarters. At the time the bomb fell, the individual normally at the phone was not on duty and the one .substituting for him was outside ex-

being affected drastically by the pres­ ent conflict. And a l o n g with the Christian world’s concern over the loss of historic c h u r c h structures, there needs to be an even greater longing for the safeguarding of evangelical Christian testimony and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ Many causes for rejoicing and needs for prayer are to be observed in present-day church life in England. It is my purpose to tell w h a t I saw personally of the churches under war conditions. St. Paul’s Cathedral As has been told many times, most of the publishing-house area adjacent to St. Paul’s Cathedral no l o n g e r exists. This section of London was practically;destroyed t h r o u g h fire, mostly during week-end periods. S t Paul’s Cathedral still stands because seventy architects and a few others who appreciate the significance of this architectural gem have voluntarily protected it night after night through­ out the war. Each night of the week a certain number of these men stay on guard in the building. It was my privilege to khow one of the men who serves each Wednesday night. I had dinner a t a near-by restaurant with him and a part of his group on one of his nights and then went over to the C a t h e d r a l where the men

States Office of Education, I had the

September, 1942



tlnguishing an incendiary bomb. No one was even hurt. It was not until some weeks later that the debris was removed and everybody on guard the night the bomb fell had back his streèt clothes. On this same night, one of the regu­ lar staff of the Cathedral went out, as was his custom, to perform the dan­ gerous job of ^poking for unexploded bombs. While walking aroùnd one end of the building in the darkness* he noticed a parachute. He suspected an air-borne spy. Imagine his sur­ prise when he withdrew the parachute to find beneath it a “land mine” which, had it exploded, would have blown up the entire end of the Ca­ thedral. John Wesley’s City. Rood Church Not far from St. Paul’s Cathedral is City Road Church, built by John Wes­ ley, at the-back of which lie the re­ mains of this renowned E n g l i s h preacher. On the other side of the rood from this c h u r c h is Bunhill Cemetery where are buried the bodies of Susanna Wesley and John Bunyan. Neither the church nor the parts of the cemeteries where these three lie buried have been ,touched by German violence. I visited the church and was es­ corted to John Bunyan’s grave, by a local clergyman. At the church I was given an eye-witness account of the fires which had devastated the area. On one side Of Wesley’s church was a factory, w h i c h I believe made jewelry. It was struck by incendiary bombs ajid began to burn with the wind in the direction of the Chapel. Men and women of the church, fire watching, put out a number of incen­ diary bombs, but realized that divine interposition alone could prevent the burning of the church if the wind con­ tinued. Realizing what was at stake, they prayed earnestly that this signifi­ cant church of Methodism might be saved. The wind reversed its direc­ tion. Later, fire broke out in a build­ ing on the other side of the church yard, ’and with the wind in reversed direction there was again the same risk of destruction of the c h u r c h . Again these people sought divine aid, and again the Wind changed. I was escorted through the church and around the church yard, front and rear. Although the heat froin adjacent fires had been great, I saw no damage e'xcept cracks in some of the upper windows. This church, as represented by those with whom I talked, still stands for Methodism as it was in the early days. Spurgeon’s Tabernacle Time would fail to tell of bombed London churches, including the Tem­ ple Church, St. Martin’s in the Field, and such as St. Giles in the Cripple-

gate where Crom­ well was married and where Milton is buried, but. a few words will be g i v e n to Spur­ geon’s Taberna­ cle, where I was baptized. I arrived in London late on a Saturday night and t h e n e x t morning attended services at t h e Tabernacle under the- pastorate of W. G r a h a m Sc r o . gg i e . The . church building already had been d am a g e d by b o mb s i n t h e n e i g h b orhood, and therefore the large auditorium was not used,: The smaller audito­ rium at the rear on a lower level was about two; thirds filled that m o r n i n g . The windows at the •back were board­ ed up and the place then had the usual untidy appearance of a bombed building.


•Bla ckstone Studios, N. Y.

Robert W. Hambrook

cluding one high-ranking officer who sat next to me; I shall never forget the spirit of worship among these men as thfey sat, knelt, or stood in signifi­ cant reverence and then, still with the spirit of worship, marched back in orderly formation to their headquar­ ters. A few' miles from the coast Of Kent and not many miles from the same church, I worshiped one S u n d a y morning in a little country church, where the entire congregation eon-- sisted of twelve persons. The younger men, of course, were in the Forces or performing some essential service elsewhere. As the preacher, delivered his sermon, the air-raid w a r n i n g whined out. Then came the drone of airplanes and the blast of . the anti- aircraft guns, followed by the rat-tat- tat of the a i r c r a f t machine guns. While this was going on, although every one was conscious of it, no one showed the least bit of disturbance at the occurrences outside. Another Sunday morning I attended a f a i r l y large denominational city, church in a restricted'zone. The morn­ ing was misty and offered the pos­ sibility of surprise raids. A man met us at the church door and told us that the service would be held down­ stairs in the vestry beneath the pulpit. [Continued on Page 332]

Four months later, just before leav­ ing Lo n d o n , I heard rumors that Spurgeon’s Tabernacle had been de­ stroyed. Late on the next Saturday evening, I left the hotel and took the Underground to the “Elephant a n d Castle” station. When I came Up on the streets, I saw a typical picture of devastation in a bombed section. The area l o o k e d unfamiliar and strange, and because a number of roads met at this point, I had some difficulty in finding the Tabernacle location. What I saw is still vivid in my imagination. There stood the bare walls with steel girders open to the sky. I walked around the build­ ing completely gutted by fire. Not a vestige of wood remained and some of the wall structure had fallen. But we can thank God for the permanent character of the wo r k of the Holy Spirit in lives throughout the history of that famous Tabernacle. Church Services Under Varying Conditions During my. stay in England I visited many churches. Some of the services brought me rich spiritual blessing; others were a disappointment. I was thrilled one Sunday morning in a lit­ tle village church in southeast Eng­ land as I sat through a service iii which were about eighty soldiers, in­


September, 1942


★ Ì. As a Believer (1:9,1Ó).

★ P AUL’S EPISTLES are saturated be called the Apostle of the Advent. Directly taught by the Hply Spirit,’. Paul brings us a full revelation of the various aspects of our Lord’s appear­ ing. His tWo letters to the Thessalo­ nians are particularly devoted to the church’s rapture and to earth condi­ tions thereafter. Taken together, these two remarkable Epistles cover the two stages of Christ’s return. The first Epistle'deals with and centers around our Lord’s coming for His church. In the second Epistle, we have character­ istic features of the tribulation period. A Fact Emphasized At the. end of each of the chapters In 1 Thessalonians, Paul refers to some aspect of the second advent. ■Chapter 1:9, 10 associates our salva­ tion and patience with the return of Christ: “For they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us frdm the wrath to come.’’ Chapter 2:19, 20 connects service and its reward with the coming of the Lord Jesus: “For what js our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not' even ye in the presence of our ’"Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For ye are our glory and joy.’’ Chapter 3:12, 13 has conduct In view (love, Godward and manward, is prominent in this chapter): “And the Lord make< you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: to the end he may stab- lish your hearts unblamable in holi­ ness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.” Chapter 4:13, 18 declares the second advent to be the spring of all our comfort: “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. . . . Wherefore comfort one an­ other with these words.” Chapter 5:23 outlines the character of the saint and reveals the sanctify­ In View

In the Beloved By THEO. K. PAYNE

Here. the believer is viewed as- a waiting one, and patience appears to be the quality he must exhibit, seeing Christ is at hand. There are three words used by Paul to i/idicate a full- orbed life. They are TURN: SERVE: WAIT. Some turn, but they dp not serve. Others serve, but never learn to wait. Salvation, occupation, and ex­ pectation go together. Going back to 1:3, we have an illuminating com­ mentary on- Paul’s description of those Thessalonians wh om he was thè means of winning for the Lord. He speaks of: Their, work of faith—turning to God from idols—Past. Their labor of love—serving the ■ living and true God—Present. Their patience of hope—waiting for His Son from heaven—Pros­ pective. Faith rests on the past, love works in the present, hope endures as seeing the future. The inclusion of “serving” proves that the advent does not cut the nerve of effort* but serves to strengthen one for all legitimate labor. One reason that the church today is flirting with the world-is because she has put out of her mind largely the expectation of God’s Son from heaven. She has activity in plenty, but the third part of her attitude is missing. It is said that Michael Angelo, by his prolonged and unremitting toil upon frescoed domes, • acquired an habitual upturn of countenance as he walked the streets. If, as professing Christians, our conversation is truly in heaven, our faces will be set hither­ ward. We will walk the dusty paths of life with an upward look. Our eyes will be upon the coming dawn. 2. As a Worker (2:19, 20). Here the believer is presented as the serving one, and joy resulting from faithful ministry is prominent.* One translation of these verses is this: “It is the thought of presenting you to Him that thrills me with joy, hope, and pride, the thought of wearing such a decoration before Him.” Paul is here declaring that at the judgment seat of Christ he would be more hon­ ored in beholding his converts than a king in receiving a crown, or a cham- [Continued on Page 351]

with the truth of the second coming of Christ. More than any other New| Testament writer, he can

"In the Beloved"—accepted am 1, Nothing in self on which to rely. Only His righteousness, praise to His name! Covers my past with its record of shame. "In. the Beloved"—0 wonder di­ vine! He should have died for a soul vile as mine. Lifting me up out of sin's miry clay. Firmly establishing me in His way. "In the Beloved"—I'm sweetly at rest,. Trusting my all at His tender behest. He takes my burden and lifts ev'ry care. Fills me with hope of His glory to ’share. "In the Beloved"—God's hid me away. What tho' I'm wounded and stripped in the fray? Nothing outside of the Father's sweet will Touches my life, so I trust— and am still. “In the Beloved"—I'm waiting to rise. Over earth's scenes and beyond clouded skies Into His presence, whose love shed abroad Melted my Ijeort, drew me near unto God. ing influence of Christ’s second ad­ vent: “And the very God of--peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit -and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the com­ ing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” A Relationship Affected by Christ’s Return booking more closely at these five chapters, we discover that Paul re­ minded the Thessalonians of a five- point relationship each of them was to preserve and practice in view of Christ’s return, •

By HERBERT LOCKYER of Christs Coming



' September, 1942




rwins Bombing

By F. W. GEORGE HALL Melbourne, Australia

S HOUGH we at Port Darwin were ail expecting an- attack, we did not think that it would come Without warning. The first indication was Seeing 1 in the Clear atmosphere,.at about 10 a. m.\ a squadron of twenty-seven planes, in three formations, haying nine in each, and flying in V formation, There were. 108. in all. ,The shells from our, anti-aircraft batteries were bursting underneath. Then the siren, went, and every one made for cover. My place was under the Cliffs, among , the mangrove trees, where I saw the damage to our ships from Zero bomb­ ers, which dived to. within a short distance of the masts. [ The accom panying article , fro m the pen of F, W. George H all (Biota '22) is a conden­ sation o f an article w hich appeared on A pril '2, 19i2, in New Life, a C hristia/i w eekly pu b ­ lished in M elbourne, A ustralia. It was w rit­ ten sh o rtly a fte r Mr. H all, w ho is associated w ith the C am paigners fo r C hrist, had returned to M elbourne . .from w orking am ong m en of • the Australian m ilitary forces, —E ditor .]

I looked around among the boul­ ders and saw white faces; mine was the same color, I presume. Behind us our guns barked, as they belched forth their shells. The air vibrated with the falling bombs as they dealt out wholesale destruction. Peace Amid Confusion The enemy returned at 2 p. m, and again released bombs on shipping, and machine-gunned various places. We were able to take supplies to the new hospital, which had narrowly es­ caped.- T h e wounded h a d been brought in. I spoke to one. of the nurses, who had been badly shaken. She "had a sweet face that was show- • ing the strain, for not far away were two craters, fifteen feet deep and thirty feet in diameter, in spite of the rock formations. I said to her, “What a wonderful thing to have the Friend of Friends hear as a Helper at such a time!”

She looked at me gratefully, and said, “That is the only thing ,we have now.” The name of Jesus at such a time - is as an ointment poured forth on hu­ manity’s open wound. Speaking to a friend afterward, I said, “What were your reactions?" § He replied: “I put my hands up and said, ‘Lord, I am just ’in Your Hands,’ The sense of the calm of -those words is with me now.” '. Later in the day I visited the medi­ cal officer, Captain Holt, who is a de­ vout Christian and had been a fre­ quent speaker at gospel meetings be­ fore the attack. Fortified with:God’s help, he had taken care of a great proportion of the wounded. Just out­ side the A.R.P. Hut, I saw one of our Fellowship, a delightful young An­ glican. He greeted me thus: “Well, it could not take away the peace of God, could it?" [Continued en Page 331]

September, 1942



H en !$ a sample word of a Polysynthetic language, Cak- chlquel, a language spoken by 300,000 Indians in Guate­ mala, C. A. By themselves, its component parts have no meaning, but when arranged in this order they constitute a linguistic unit, in short a word, marked by one stress. Translated r o u g h l y , the word means: “She will come on various occasions and put them to sleep with a cradle, because it Is her duty, and having completed the task, will go away and leave them sleeping." Mr. S e d a t is shown at;the left.

„. ' ’• ’„v'; .•> '^ \ Biola


Tongues a By WILLIAM SEDAT All too often the equipment of the pioneer missionary includes every­ thing from medical handbooks to mos­ quito netting—but no*linguistic train­ ing, equipping him for learning the odd sounds and deciphering the com­ plex grammatical s t r u c t u r e of the primitive language with w h i c h he must deal. For language is the first barrier met by every missionary on every foreign field. The missionary, who seems to be born for troublé as sparks fly upward, soon finds himself in a sea of stops, clicks, hisses, buzzes, and •grunts. Queer and': strange sounds meet his ear, and the pioneer who opens new territory must encounter them without the heïp of alphabet, dictionary, gram­ mar, primer, or a translation of the Bible, and only his ,ears can tell him the nature of the items involved. The human voice can produce thousands of different sounds. Yet the ear recog­ nizes but very few of these unless it has been specifically trained to do So. The science of phonetics does two things. On the oné hand, it teaches the student a wide variety of speech sounds and even rare types insofar as they have been reported in the languages of the world. It'teaches the .student not only to hear the sounds,

but also to analyze their formation, to prbduce them, and to write, them. On the other hand, it: gives general training so that one-becomes a profi­ cient vocal gymnast for many differ­ ent kinds of oral formations: The stu­ dent who is capable of producing many types df outlandish s p e e c h movements and has achieved the abil­ ity of scientific mimicry can produce many sounds w h i c h he has never heard. The significant sounds in any

OD HAS a word to say to this 5» _ world. It concerns His Son, ■X.- J the living Word, and is con* . tained within the CQvers of the Bible, the written Word of God. Will He say - “Chi jocan quixra Dibs li ruchichoch” (Kekchi) or “quitasojtac to Dios in talticpac ijeoin” (Axtec) or “Porque de tal manera amo Dios al mundo” (Spanish) ? Certainly He will not use the English expression^* “£or God so loved the world,” in speaking to the thousands of people in hundreds of tribes who are without the written Word in their own tongue. For many years past, the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles has been one of the pioneers in providing a course in. missionary phonetics for prospective missionaries. This fall, Biola takes a new step in adding a course in the, grammar of aboriginal languages and in an analysis of exotic speech forms as found among primitive people. The value of morphology and. grammati­ cal studies for a missionary can hardly be overestimated. They provide him with a tool for learning a languag’e, reducing it to writing, preaching and translating the Bible in the language, and preparing literature for the peo­ ple.



September, 1942

The Tragedy Behind Darwin's Bombing [Continued from Page 329]

analysis essentially precedes all gram­ matical analysis and is fundamental to all alphabetical writing. Whereas the field of phonetics deals with the sounds of the language, mor­ phology deals with the manner in which these sounds are combined into words; and syntax then deals with the way' in which these words are com­ bined into sentences. In the course in morphology and syntax, a study is lhade of the grammatical concepts which may be expressed in language and of the processes which may occur in any of the languages of the world, and the methods by which to classify these processes. Contrary to rommon opinion, many of the aboriginal languages are among the most difficult in the world. They possess complexities of construction, categories of thought, and ways of ex­ pressing shades of meaning which are foreign to our English speech. In the San Bias language, for example, “My dog bit it” 'is expressed as “’achchu kunne,”. but the same sentence with only one accent means “I bit the dog.” Whether one has one or two accents in this identical sequence of sound makes all the difference between a mad dog and a mad man. In Kekchi the word “xinatinac” means “I spoke,” but “xinatina:c” means “I was spoken to.” In some languages it may be nec­ essary to differentiate between alien­ able and inalienable possession, be­ tween inclusion and exclusion to the second person when one speaks of "we,” and between animate and in- \Continued on Page 351] Linguistics Department Enlarged William Sedat Is well qualified to describe language investigation prob­ lems. Six years of association with Camp Wycliffe, together with ex­ tensive personal research In the Kek­ chi Indian language of Central Amer­ ica, have caused him to realize the extreme importance of scientific lan­ guage training for pioneer mission­ aries. With Mr. Sedat’s coming to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles this fall to teach such s u b j e c t s as Phonetics, Phonemics, Tonemics, and Morphology, the Institute is able to offer a schedule of courses in the field of linguistics that is perhaps the richest available in any Bible school in the nation. In the accompanying article Mr. Sedat explains the need of specialized training for mission­ aries w o r k i n g among aboriginal tribes.

fellowship meeting in the home of a Christian, and the- gospel was faith­ fully preached. The . home,, prior to the bombing of Darwin, was used for a fellowship meeting dùring the week, and as a rendezvous for Christian men in the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and did good service. While this service was in progress, another one' was also being held at Larrakeÿah, ih the Recreation Hut, and also a Wednesday Fellowship, at which Captain Holt usually spoke. (The captain is the Christian medical officer to whom reference was made earlier in this article.) Thus the gos­ pel was preached, and who' will be able to say what this has meant to soul-stàrvëd men in the Northern Ter­ ritory! Leaving Darwin in company- with a'group of evacuees after the, bomb­ ing, a friend and I came down the narrow gauge, rickety railway in cat­ tle trucks. When we arrived at Larri- mah, my friend brought out his piano- accordion, and we sang some popular numbers, then broke into some hymn tunes, and finally gave a talk to those men, some of whom had been in the raid. The message of the cross and the love of God gripped these men in the twilight. At the conclusion, these precious hungry-hearted men came round and gripped our hands in ap­ preciation. They had been unnerved by the bombing, and here was the sweet message of the love of God, like a balm upon their bruised and wound­ ed spirits, speaking peace. What Have We Learned? For Australia at this moment, whgt have we learned? We face largely a disillusioned people, who believed that riches and pleasure would carry them through life, and that war would never come, to Australian soil. Now, some are facing a veritable hell Of ap­ prehension, as they think of fathers, sops, brothers, and wonder whether they are missing or dead. Their rock has forsaken them; their cisterns are dry. Can we bring the message of Christ to these? The answer is, We MUST. SOMEHOW. It is the work of Christ’s people to find out how to do it. The general, anemic presentation of what we term Christianity has been neither sufficient to save our boys from moral collapse before the spear­ head attacks of Satan, nor to give any substantial c o m f o r t to those who mourn. How shall we call the nation to God except by a fearless presenta­ tion of God’s Word and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who alone can bring this world out of a tail-spin dive?

What a r f some of the facts that lay behind the catastrophe that so sud­ denly befell Port Darwin? The town of Darwin was named after the well-known biologist. Ac­ tually, Darwin never set foot in the town called after him, but the sbip on which he .had been traveling put into port there, and ever since, the town has been known by his name. It was Darwin who gave the lead to a theory which has shaken the faith of millions, including his own. It was heralded "as a ¡discovery of the first magnitude in the scientific world,-and a number of scientists,' more eminent than Darwin hiniself, embraced the theory. The sad part of it was that the church, rather than be classed as un­ scientific, largely embraced it, and saw in its implications the dawning of a new day "for the human race- The conclusion was that the continued ascendancy would create a millen­ nium, when the world would be so good that the kingdom of Christ would come. Vain hope! In recent times, the town of Darwin has had a name for moral corruption second to none in Australia, with a drink bill possibly greater per capita than any, other place on earth. Fig­ ures of the drink traffic are so stag­ gering as to be almost unbelievable. It is a vast brewers’ racket to produce dividends, and today drink is perhaps an equal menace with the Japs. To fight both is a colossal task. The township of Darwin is in itself, quite a pleasant region, and if beer had not obliterated any progressive spirit, it undoubtedly would have be­ come a beautiful place. The possibil­ ities are enormous, but in spite of it all, the region had the atmosphere of Oliver Goldsmith’s “Deserted Village.” The town is a *sink of iniquity, and as such it seemed inevitable, like the Sodom and Gomorrah of the past, whose wickedness cried unto heaven, that it should suffer the judgment of the wrath of Almighty God. It is a modern Pergamos, where Satan’s seat is, and the veryatmosphere is Satanic. In our Christian work in this city of the North, we met subtle and almost unbelievable opposition. It seemed like playing chess with some unseen power. Every effort seemed check­ mated, and today there stands a semi- completed building 'as a 'silent tes­ timony to souls who preached Christ there. It looks for all the world like another of God’s apparent failures, which in eternity may prove to be a glorious success, for it was done in faith and reliance upon God. Yes, something was accomplished. Evtery Sunday evening there was a

September, 1942



ever, seemed perfectly oblivious of any responsibility for, anything. Here and there in England, as in the United States, there are churches recognizing the spiritual needs of the people and preaching the gospel. I found such a church in Brighton. Thè pastor of this church was formerly the pastor of Spurgeon’s Tabernacle. The church was comfortably filled on both Sundays when I was in attendance, and there was a faithful presentation of the Word. Each Sunday, I was told, some one in the congregation finds the way of salvation. Summarizing I believe that there is a great amount of serious thinking taking place in England at this time and that England is weighing her past history and her present responsibilities heav­ ily. Although in general the church does not appear to be taking the most significant part in molding present thought, it must not be forgotten that the country is considerably disturbed from regular routine, that the men are in the Forces, the women are in the factories, the children are evacu­ ated, and that if chujches are not at­ tended in great numbers, it may be

because other activities demand at­ tention. - Fervency- of loye ,-for the Lord,- not statistics of formal church attendance, must be the true standard in peace or war. It is noteworthy that the King of England announces, with the support of the people, the ¡special days for prayer for an Empire on which the sun never sets, and that the people heed his request and: gather to pray. When a nation openly acknowledges its dependence upon God and its need to repent for past sins, God is able to wdrk a deliverance. On the other hand, it is disturbing to note that churches of most denomi­ nations seem to bear insignificant re­ sponsibility for leadership for a “back- to-God movement” and that such churches as outwardly are most active now appear to be more concerned with the social aspect of “the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man” than the preaching of a gospel requir­ ing the confession of sin and the new birth through Christ. Let us in Amer­ ica pray earnestly, for all members of the body of Christ in England. May God grant them His peace and power —-and ,true fruitfulness—in days of increasing pressure. Mr. Sanden has made the1correla­ tion of science and the Bible his prin­ cipal study for a number of years, in pursuance of which he resigned a successful pastorate in order to return to the University, that he might carry out his project. He was graduated from the Texas State University with highest honors, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He was made a member also of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,and the Texas Academy of Science. He recent­ ly delivered an address before the latter at their annual convention held in Houston, Texas. During June and July of this year, Evangelist Sanden a d d r e s s e d the state-wide conference of Presbyterian young people of Texas ten consecutive days oh “Science and the Faith.” He is now campaigning in the maneuver' area of Southwest Louisiana, where the Defense Service Council is spon­ soring his work. His messages are unique, vital, and evangelistic, and: are designed to be of special interest to students. Mr. Sanden was grad­ uated from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in 1923. He is a graduate of. Austin Presbyterian Theological Semi­ nary of Austin, Texas. Mr. Sanden can be addressed temporarily at Box 895, Glendale, Calif.,:in care of Paul W. Rood.

ENGLAND'S CHURCHES DURING WAR [Continued from Page 321] There were sixteefi of us occupying this little room. A pleasant open fire burned as we, sang praises, prayed, and listened to a simple service con­ ducted by a devout layman. On another Sunday I attended two church services with the'London Sec­ retary of one of the outstanding Afri­ can missiohary organizations. The church was well filled and a fine spirit prevailed. I was told that a few Sun­ days before this a raid had been on during the morning service. While the preacher was discussing Job and saying, “Satan could not have touched Job without God’s permission,” there came the familiar whine of a bomb and a resounding thud as it pene­ trated the church grounds. But it failed to explode; Later, after the area had been roped off and all per­ sons ordered from the immediate neighborhood, the bomb was dug up and taken away. Contrasts in Churches Raids occurred for four successive nights d u r i n g one of my visits to Liverpool. My elderly mother and sis­ ter s l e p t in an especially prepared section of the basement of a four-story apartment house., I slept upstairs. When “chandelier” flares lit up the whole sky and the drone. of planes above: Continued, I aroused my mother and sister, and escorted them to the Anderson air-raid shelter in- the gar­ den while I fire-watched for incen­ diary bombs. ;One of the raids took place very early Sunday morning and lasted for nearly three hours. We finally went to bed at about four o’clock. As a result it was about church time when I hwoke. I dressed quickly and went a ’short distance to a well-known de­ nominational church. T h i s church, located in a residential area, was not far from Where Soldiers were quar­ tered, but there were only eighteen p e r s o n s in all in attendance that morning. What did the church have to offer to a group of people who had passed a harrowing night in that vicinity? The singing was cold and uninspiring, and the sermon had no connection, as far as I could tell, with the war situa­ tion or the spiritual needs of the con­ gregation. It is, not surprising that where vital spiritual help was lacking, it was not sought by many. ' Ji great many churches stress the social re-' sponsibilities of the church during the present era and the following recon­ struction period. Some churches keep their planning on a merely human level; others relate the present and future problems to the Word of God and' the program of the Lord Jesus Christ. This particular church, how-

Speaking on Science and the Bible

' Friends of Oscar E. Sanden, widely known lecturer and young people’s evangelist, will be glad to hear of his anticipated return to the West Coast after the first of the year. He expects to be engaged in a series of youth rallies and evangelistic campaigns, working under the direction of Paul W. Rood, Presidents of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association.

Oscar E. Sanden


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