King's Business - 1942-09



September, 1942

that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mk. 2:17). Yes, Jesus was right, of course. He had come into the world to save sinners, and so He went where they were to be found. It is all right for us to be with sinners when we are there to lead them to Christ. But it is not at all right when we are there to join* in their evil ways. How many people, do you think, are sinners? The Bible says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). That makes us all Sinners. But there are two kinds of sinners—saved ones and lost ones. Which are you? Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. Will you let Him save you? Object Lesson L e a r n in g A b o u t L o y a lty OBJECT: A capital “L.” (From a piece of whita paper cut a cross with upright and cross arm 2 inches wide throughout their extent. - Color one side red and the other blue. Fold down at the middle of the cross arm, with the red inside. This, will make the letter “T.” Fold again, bringing the two.edges of the cross arm together, making the letter “L.”) LESSON: What do you think this large blue “L” represents? The color blue should give you a hint. “Loyalty.” i Bill; you are right. What kind of loyalty do you think it suggests? What kind of loyalty is needed today? “Loyalty to home, church, and coun­ try.” Yes, these are three véry important things which should claim our loy-

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alty. We "will open the “L” and- see whether it suggests any other loyalty. It opens into a red cross, suggesting loyalty to Christ. . When sonje had left Jesus, never again to follow Him, He turned to the twelve and said, “Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord,, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God” (John 6:67-69). Thus Peter declared his loyalty to Christ. On one occasion the Apostle Paul expressed his own loyalty in these words: "But what things were gain to me, those I counted toss for Christ” (Phil. 3:7). Peter apd Paul having declared their loyalty to Christ passed into eternity, and will some day hear Him say, “Well done.”' If we are loyal to Him in testimony and service, we, too, shall some 'day hear His words of approval. .

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OCTOBER 18, 1942 GROWTH IN CHRIST L uk ' é 2:40-52; H e b r ew s 5:11-14; 2 P e t e r 1:1-8

L u k e 2t40 A nd th e child g r ew , and w a x ed str o n g In sp ir it, fille d w ith w is ­ dom i and th e g ra ce o f God w a s upon him . '52 A nd J esn s in crea sed In w isd om and sta tu r e , and in fa v o r w ith God and m an. 2 P e te r 111 Sim on P eter, a serv a n t and an a p o stle o f J e sn s C hrist, to th em th a t h a v e ob tain ed lik e p reciou s fa ith w ith n s th ro u g h th e r ig h te o u sn e ss o f G od and onr S aviou r J e su s C hrist: 2 G race an d p eace h e m u ltip lied n n to y o u th ro u g h thd k n o w led g e o f God, and o f J e su s our Lord, 3 A ccord in g a s h is d iv in e p ow er h ath g iv e n u n to u s a il th in g s th a t p erta in u n to

life and g o d lin e ss, th ro u g h th e k n o w led g e o f him th a t h a th ca lled n s to g lo r y and v lr tn e t 4 W hereb y are g iv e n u n to n s Exceed­ in g g r e a t and p reciou s p rom ises) th a t by th e se y e m ig h t be p a rta k ers o f th e d iv in e nature,., h a v in g escap ed th e corrup tion th a t is In th e w orld th ro u g h Inst. 5 And b esid es th is, g iv in g a ll d ili­ g en ce, add to y o u r fa ith v ir tu e ) an d to v ir tu e , k n o w led g e) 6 A nd to k n o w led g e, tem p era n ce) and to tem p era n ce, p a tien ce) and to p a tien ce, g o d lin e ss ) 7 A nd to g o d lin ess, b ro th erly k in d ­ n e ss) a n d to b ro th erly k in d n e ss, ch a rity .

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